I've not heard this music before but the album cover looked interesting so I researched it. Cool music for sure, sort of like Leo Kottke meets Elvis Costello in my opinion. Once I get my music organized better I'll go shopping for some of Hank's music. Thanks for posting this!
I've not heard this music before but the album cover looked interesting so I researched it. Cool music for sure, sort of like Leo Kottke meets Elvis Costello in my opinion. Once I get my music organized better I'll go shopping for some of Hank's music. Thanks for posting this!
On a wet and rainy day in the Bay Area, some lovely mono vinyl jazz to help cheer one’s soul. Five seconds into the needle drop, you hear Getz’s warm sax and the stunning sound it makes on my Garrard 301 with the Miyajima Zero Infinity cartridge. Only vinyl can recreate the authentic sound of jazz in the 1950s.
Thelonious Monk with a star studded accompaniment recorded in NYC 70 years ago. Blows away lots of high res recordings made today. The sheer vibrancy of the mono sound is unforgettable. It’s got Presence. You are there.