I guess I find it hard to be passionate about plastic, aluminum and inferior file formats. Music to me is about the music itself, and the quality. And if I can get it in a superior format that occupies no physical space, can be easily cued up with a mobile GUI etc, it works for me!(...)
I feel happy it works for you. But please remember some of us are not passionate about plastic, aluminum and inferior file formats. We are passionate about the music we bough at a certain place, that has some emotional connection for us, at some specific moment. We shared this plastic and aluminum disc with friends, we took it to music sessions in their music systems. For me , music, and BTW, audio, are social activities, that connect me with friendly people. Next Christmas, I will offer nice CD albums (good music, also probably with nice covers) beautifully packed to several people. Sorry, but I can not find any pleasure sending them links to download sites.
The times are changing, surely. I must say that I have more music (CDs and LPs) than time to listen to it. And I confess rituals increase my listening pleasure. YMMV.
But I am seriously considering a music server ...