I am with you Blizzard. I buy a ton of used CDs. I suspect vast majority kept a copy and are selling the CD still. This is not ethical.
Also in the age of easy previewing including full length albums in vast majority of cases through Youtube, there is no excuse to want to sell a CD because you didn't know what the music was before you bought it. You bought it thinking you liked the music and that is that.
Is there a license anyway for music? Maybe it is buried in the registration process but I buy a ton of music and other than Pono, none of them make me accept any kind of license. The entire process is a "buying" process form shopping cart to purchase. If so in US are protected by first sale doctrine and can choose to sell the downloads anyway.
Really it is a "gift" that in music we get access to high resolution stereo masters with no copy protection whatsoever. In video the content is heavily guarded and the higher the resolution, the stronger the locks. Can we complain and moan about music prices? Sure, just like we can about price of bread

. But as audiophiles, we better buy or these few tiny companies won't be around to serve us. They will lose the battle to Amazon and iTunes and one day you wake up and there are few CDs to buy and everything else is compressed.