Why are downloaded cd's so expensive? Is it a rip-off?

Here's the connection. A record company sees that audiophiles are willing to pay $50 and over for new vinyl. I get that the size of the market is small hence the price will be higher. However, the success at that price point and the "resurgence of vinyl" or what appears to be so, leads those labels to believe that people are willing to pay more for "quality". Hence when it comes to downloads which are perceived as higher quality, the price is set accordingly. Seems like a connection to me.
Here's the connection. A record company sees that audiophiles are willing to pay $50 and over for new vinyl. I get that the size of the market is small hence the price will be higher. However, the success at that price point and the "resurgence of vinyl" or what appears to be so, leads those labels to believe that people are willing to pay more for "quality". Hence when it comes to downloads which are perceived as higher quality, the price is set accordingly. Seems like a connection to me.

Same here !!

And no amount of rationalization will lead me to understand why downloads are more costly to produce than any physical medium. We , audiophiles, have proven time and again how willing we are to pay increasingly higher prices... The astute business persons reading into this will oblige.
Anyone who is conscious and in the audio business will know that audiophiles will pay almost anything to satisfy their lust for the perfect sound. That is a given in my opinion. So the suppliers don't need the price of vinyl to encourage them, if these digital guys ever consider vinyl in the first place. They charge what the traffic will bear, and the price is high since the download business is still kind of a novelty, like CDs when they first appeared and were $25 apiece in 1980s money. I know people who have junked their CD players and leapt into download so they are committed, or should be committed, so must pay what is demanded. There is a connection between price points in the marketplace, but I wouldn't emphasize it.
Why, because people will pay. Like any business you market the product put a price on it and see what happens when the product hits the market, if people buy the product at the price noted and that price supports your business plan with some greed thrown in, there ya go.
Like any business you market the product put a price on it and see what happens when the product hits the market, if people buy the product at the price noted and that price supports your business plan with some greed thrown in, there ya go.

and if it doesn't fly ... ?
Er, it is PDF, if you don't want to download, simply click the link and you can view in your browser, I'm pretty sure.

LOL ... those PDF files sound like **** anyway ...
Er, it is PDF, if you don't want to download, simply click the link and you can view in your browser, I'm pretty sure.

It has nothing to do with "downloads", but your Moniker. :cool:

Thank you Andre Marc old souvenirs back to life.:)
Number one web site costs including maintenance, customer service, etc, offsets any savings. (They still have to do artwork.) And aren't they allowed to make a profit to pay their employees? Talk to Channel Classics, one of the largest online sites like I did at RMAF, and they'll give you the reasons why the costs aren't any cheaper.

If it was so cheap, why isn't everyone doing it?

Its because Audiophiles dont understand that business needs to make a profit or it doesn't survive. Without understanding the real costs of what it takes to run any business the opinions are truly meaningless.
what are the fixed costs of running one of these places? How much do the artists/record companies get? Without this info your GUESS is just that a guess.
Audiophiles are never happy with anyone making a profit as long as they get a deal :)
Have not followed the thread, but it strikes me as the wrong question.

I would reframe it as "Why is digital musical content such a screaming bargain? Is anyone getting ripped-off?"

You can get one hour of unique artistic creation for the price of 3 cappuccinos at Starbucks and this is expensive? Get a grip.

Complaining about potentially higher cost when you feel cost should go down because there is no physical media is like complaining about the cost of a copy of microsoft office (marginal cost to Microsoft is a few bucks - you pay a few 100). The media the software is delivered on is immaterial.
Have not followed the thread, but it strikes me as the wrong question.

I would reframe it as "Why is digital musical content such a screaming bargain? Is anyone getting ripped-off?"

The only ones getting ripped off are the artists. You should see some of these reimbursement sheets from iTunes, Pandora, Spotify, etc.... I've seen monthly payouts for albums as low as 30 CENTS!
The only ones getting ripped off are the artists. You should see some of these reimbursement sheets from iTunes, Pandora, Spotify, etc.... I've seen monthly payouts for albums as low as 30 CENTS!

That is why as far as I can, I will buy directly from the artists. Here's a nice interactive article about the killing of the music industry. It's not just audiophiles, but consumers who do not understand and appreciate the cost of doing business killing the industry.


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