Agreed. Why do you think that is so? Lack of show participation or dealer network size...advertising, perhaps?
I see them at shows and they have good dealer representation. I really believe it's a matter of perception.
Agreed. Why do you think that is so? Lack of show participation or dealer network size...advertising, perhaps?
Applying economics and behavioral sciences analysis, here are the main reasons:
- Neutral is perceived as boring by many audiophiles, who want exciting SS, like D’Agostino (or the naturalness of tubes). Furthermore, there are other brands that already own that "neutral" space in the mind of the customer. And the niche market for neutral is only so big.
- It is not priced high enough to be considered elite. Soulution and Consolation are priced much higher, and let’s be honest: high end audio is a luxury industry - people feel good about themselves when buying and owning expensive gear, no matter how much engineering excellence is preached in their marketing. For a reality (vs. bulls*hit check), just take a look at and feel the finishes on magicos and wilsons.
- Priced too high compared to other neutral gear. Bryston owns that lower-priced segment: neutral sound and even more power than Sim to drive any speaker. Sim, then, is stuck in a bad space between the cheaper Bryston and more expensive Soulution and Consoulation- the worst place possible for a luxury product.
- No marquee reviewers worshiping their gear, like TAS guys and others worship Soulution, Consolation, and Magico. And, of course, Wilson, over the years. Because it’s not mentioned by authority figures frequently, people don’t know what the brand story is all about. Occasionally, there is a product that is reviewed positively, but the impression is that it’s a one-off, not consistently woven into the story of excellence for the brand. That's why so many companies are willing to provide free long-term loans to reviewers, so the brand story gets pounded into the heads of the audiophiles.
- The guys who do review it, don’t talk about it from a sense-of-life, emotional, perspective. In other words, when reviewed by an audio nerd is that it’s a bunch of soldered chips and wires vs. something that lifts your emotions and makes your life better.
- Lack of sense of scarcity: big dealer network
- Lack of regular people talking about SIM. This signals that it’s not a popular product. Furthermore, people enjoy chatting up their gear. There is a big social aspect to this hobby. Talking about gear is similar to re-experiencing it. (How many times do people re-tell great vacation stories, even after many years?) Based on the initial chatter and buzz, audiophiles can go to dealers and hear a product. Many will buy it and start yapping about it to their friends and online…And it’s just human nature to yap about a popular product than a more obscure one, which may just absolutely kick the popular product’s ass in every way possible...which I believe is your argument in favor of Sim audio gear. But sadly, many folks on the forums only talk about the popular products because they get extra enjoyment of discussing shared experiences of products they own or are familiar with. So many ARC fans are ARC fans only because others are ARC fans. The technical term for this phenomenon is “social proof”, but such is human nature. Whether people realize it or on, popularity happens to be a HUGE signal for quality in our hobby.
Your thread title further reinforces this perception!
- Mediocre, bordering on ugly, industrial design. Soulution and D'Agostino are opposites. Soulution is very understated. It has won a Red Dot award for design excellence. D'Agostino, on the hand, is kind of gaudy and overdone, but a lot of people think it's eye candy. (For full disclosure, despite the looks, I will take the sound of D'Agostino over Soultion any time.)
These are just the reasons I brainstormed in 5 minutes, and they capture the crux. But I'm sure there are other reasons as well.
Were you referring to Constellation?
Yep! That damn spell checker! And, of course, it has lost out to Soulution in the eyes of TAS guys, who have strongly promoted the brand.
You mention the TAS guys promote the brand. Do you think they receive perks for it?
This could very well be a major part of the problem, because I too think it's confusing as hell.I think they have a branding problem. Check out the History page as well as the Product page. MOON was supposed to be the reference line but where was the standard line? So all products ended up MOONs. Then they branched MOON into different series' further compounding the problem. My theory is that people who get confused from the get go rarely follow through. It's a case of, I don't get iit, movin' on........ So I think they should finally figure out if they will actually use MOON as the Brand and Neo, Evolution, etc as the lines of that brand instead of lines within a line. Crazy huh? Crazier still since the fix is obvious. MOON never stuck. We're all still calling them Simaudio. Dump the MOON. Fixed.
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