Why Tube Amps Sound Different (and better) Than SS Amps

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The assumption that everything that needs to be known is known always amazes me. Heck it amazes me more than magic.
Perfect measurements yield perfect results.
The assumption that everything that needs to be known is known always amazes me. Heck it amazes me more than magic.


Even worse is the assumption that simplification solves everything. Experts write long books and articles, try to make the bridge between psychoacoustics and instrumentation, present their very valid contributions and recognize that there is still a lot to be done. However some people want instantaneous knowledge - they believe that expertise comes by magic reading basic electronics and a few audio postulates in WBF posts tens of times, and any debate on the fundamentals or on the work of real audio experts is a waste of time ...
Well we do know what to measure for the most part. The old "we don't know what to measure" canard is God of the Gaps type thinking in the audiophile context. Metaphysical thinking. Something, something not measurable, something we just don't know, something you can't capture with measurements etc. etc.

In science I don't refer to a 'God of the Gaps' for things that I don't know. I simply do more research.

The assumption that everything that needs to be known is known always amazes me. Heck it amazes me more than magic.

Indeed. The idea that in audio all research is done and all we need to know is in our current measurements is amazing.

Even worse is the assumption that simplification solves everything. Experts write long books and articles, try to make the bridge between psychoacoustics and instrumentation, present their very valid contributions and recognize that there is still a lot to be done. However some people want instantaneous knowledge - they believe that expertise comes by magic reading basic electronics and a few audio postulates in WBF posts tens of times, and any debate on the fundamentals or on the work of real audio experts is a waste of time ...

Well said.
Yup, well said.
Strawmen are stacking up over this thread like 747s over Atlanta...

I would find that amazing as well, but what we're talking about here, as often as not, is reaching, stretching precariously for the unlikely in a desperate effort to deny the obvious.


Such as denying the obvious that there may be some merit to human auditory experience that some components do sound better, even though this does does not show in the usual measurements, by reaching for the unlikely in saying this cannot be so because all the usual measurements say so.

Certainly, I agree that the measurements that we do make are valuable and should not be dismissed offhand, and I also agree there is a lot of 'magical' thinking, charlatan behaviour, bias and misinformation in high-end. But I don't believe, in fact I know from experience, even with all these caveats that there is more to the story than the adherents of the idea that we already measure everything relevant want us to believe.
Well we do know what to measure for the most part. The old "we don't know what to measure" canard is God of the Gaps type thinking in the audiophile context. Metaphysical thinking. Something, something not measurable, something we just don't know, something you can't capture with measurements etc. etc.


Your statement contains a double fallacy - the God of the Gaps was a religious perspective, and the God of the Gaps thinking can only lead to debates on the existence of God, not of science limitations. The second is considering that a measurement is just the act of taking values from an instrument. A measurement is a value that must express an expressive correlation with a the entity you are studying. In stereo audio science the problem is not taking data - we have very powerful instruments that approach the theoretical limits imposed by the intrinsic noise - the problem is establishing the correlations in a firm and clear way. This results essentially from the blurred nature of the entity being studied - the quality of sound reproduction in stereo.
Such as denying the obvious that there may be some merit to human auditory experience that some components do sound better, even though this does does not show in the usual measurements, by reaching for the unlikely in saying this cannot be so because all the usual measurements say so.

I don't think I've ever denied that, personally. I have probably said that "some components do sound better" is a matter of taste, not fact. But people like what they like, there is no denying that, and no amount of measurement will change it.

Certainly, I agree that the measurements that we do make are valuable and should not be dismissed offhand, and I also agree there is a lot of 'magical' thinking, charlatan behaviour, bias and misinformation in high-end. But I don't believe, in fact I know from experience, even with all these caveats that there is more to the story than the adherents of the idea that we already measure everything relevant want us to believe.

Scratch the surface. I think you could count "the adherents of the idea that we already measure everything relevant" here on one hand and still have a few free fingers. I'm not one of them, and I still think, that as often as not, we're talking about reaching for the unlikely in a desperate effort to deny the obvious. You can measure the input and output of a euphonic tube amp and see a difference that can't help but be audible in those measurements. You can run a null test, and listen to the difference. And it's not detail. Perceived as detail? Sure.

Of course reviewes and audiophiles have spent decades detailing what they hear to no avail. To attribute it all to euphoric distortion shows at least a black of imagination.
If audiophiles are gullible would we not be equally gullible to the truth? Which is more attractive ? A flat earth or a round. Pragmatism would dictate a predisposition toward a choice of spherical
Falling of the edge of the edge of the earth is not a good choice.
There are legendary solid state designers. The prospect of a relatively inexpensive amp is extremely attractive.Anything you want from hobbyist perspective is available from tubes and solid
state. Exclusivity, over design the , and the ability to modify are all present.

Certainly there is an absolute..No one is required to follow it. I invite you to an Am a-Sphere amp Your stereotypes about tube amps will be challenged
Guys... Please stop discussing each other and conduct yourself with the high standard that we have set for WBF.
Tim, I recently had the opportunity to play my Strat through a Vox modeler and a Black face Super Reverb...really there was little similarity between the two sounds. The black face was just leagues ahead in the tone dept. While I admire what the modeler's bring to the table, I do think that they have some way to go to get near what the real thing sounds like. A small facsimile, yes...BUT at the moment that's all.

That's for sure. I would place the best of the modelling guitar amps at about 60% of the abilities of the amp they are modelling. They just don't have the guts!

...and ignored by the measurement fanatics.

You bring up an important point, however.

I find the simplistic thinking of those addicted to their digits and meter needles touching and heartwarming. Elsewhere I have pointed out the measurement problem, that we often don't know what the most important measurements are and how to make them, a problem which as a scientist I am acutely aware of. It has been countered by the assertion that we do know which the most important measurements are, at least in digital (which was the topic then). Right. Nice try.

Some people here have been talking about the magic of tubes. Of course there is no magic. But the idea that we have had everything sorted out for the last 40 years is bogus too. The problem here has to do with understanding how we hear things. We know the mechanics of the ear. Not so much about how the ear is able to convert sounds to neural signals. Even less about how the brain processes those signals on arrival!

But we can say with certainty that the more we know about how the ear/brain system works, the better we can get things to sound. In effect, using engineering to solve the problem. For the most part, right now the engineering has been used to make the equipment look good on paper. The problem is that the paper does not jive with the ear/brain system's perceptual rules. So we can hear things that are hard to measure (trace amounts of odd ordered content) and there are other things the ear just does not seem to care about at all, but are easy to measure, like the phase of a sine wave.

IOW: the 'magic', the mystery is still quite literally in our heads. We're not going to be able to undo millions of years of evolution. Anyone here have any idea why the ear is so sensitive at upper midrange frequencies for example? This is far above human vocal tones... This is an example of what I mean by mystery (if you want the answer I can answer it BTW).

But if you *understand* that the ear is so sensitive in that area, and that it uses higher ordered harmonics to tell how loud a sound is, wouldn't you want to avoid making distortion in that region??
(...) One of the most dramatic modifications I've done to a customer's amplifier was to change the tube rectifier to solid state. Granted, these Altec amplifiers had some of the best output transformers in existence, so I had a great platform to work with. With stock rectifier, measured distortion was 1.2%. Altec claims "less than 2%" so the amp was well within spec. After my rectifier mod, distortion at full power dropped to .15% and was as low as .034% at normal listening levels of 1-5 watts, while max power output went from 40W to 55W. The source impedance dropped immensely. The customer said this about the modification:


Did you change anything other than the tube rectifiers? Can you quantify the "immense drop in source impedance"?
Interesting conjecture, but unfortunately the flaw in reasoning is the V=IR as whatmore pointed out. Into the same loudspeaker, with the same impedance, there is no difference between a high-voltage power source or a high-current power source. Since the load (the loudspeaker is fixed), then P=I^2 * R.

What IS interesting though, is that the high voltage tube amp develops a low-current high-voltage signal into the output transformer. The output transformer then turns this into a low-voltage higher-current capability into a loudspeaker.

I think that many SS amps based on choke-based power supplies have the same characteristic midrange sound of tube amps (the Viola Bravo power amplifier is one such example), but they also have the bass capability of SS amps. In the Viola range, they also have another SS power amplifier (the Legacy) that has an output transformer which takes this tube sound one step further - using an output transformer. However, that model then loses the bass capability.

May be it has more to do with the output transformer than whether the amplifier generates the same power with high-voltage vs high-current (into the same load it cannot).

Just to add, some might not know but T+A (German audio manufacturer) has several SS products designed around high voltage concept (they also have several products that can switch in real-time between High Power and High Current mode).
Marketing blurb on their thoughts but there is definite engineering reasons to their high voltage design products:
T+A said:
all the amplifier stages operate at much higher operating voltages than usual: in the pre-amplifier the figure is up to 100 Volt, in the power amplifier up to 360 Volt. In a similar manner to valve amplifiers, the actual modulation of all the stages can be kept very low. Only a very small percentage (less than 20%) of the possible excursion of the amplifier transistors is used, thereby virtually eliminating the curvature (non-linearity) of that characteristic. Additional measures for improving the linear nature of the voltage amplifier stages are also employed, such as cross-coupled differential amplifier cascodes or improved „Hawksford“ cascodes with double J-FET control transistors. In addition to outstanding linearity, the high operating voltages employed offer the advantage of extremely wide dynamic range.

After reading this thread I wonder if I am alone in thinking it would be nice to get together with Mark (basspig) & Ralph (atmasphere), grab a bottle or two of some nice Scotch, Tequilla, etc., and listen to the 2 of them chat about their personal experiences in designing, building, modifying, tweaking and measuring amplifiers. This would, of course, be followed with a nice music listening/experiencing session with Mark and Ralph demoing their amplifiers. I'm ready.
Well I guess we can throw away two or three decades or more of recordings made with tube electronics since they're garbage.

This is a perfect example of the logical fallacy known as "putting words in someone's mouth." I never said tube gear is garbage. Some of it is very good despite how much more effort (and expense) is required to obtain high fidelity.

Sheesh. This statement is simply false. Solid state has its own set of colorations, ones caused by odd ordered harmonics which are much more irritating to the human ear. This has been well understood since the 1960s.

What you miss is that the magnitude of distortion matters much more than its specific makeup. Nobody will hear 0.01 percent distortion whether it's mostly odd or mostly even, and even budget amplifiers often achieve distortion that low. Further, the notion that odd-order harmonics are more objectionable is simply false. It depends on the context, and how far away (in frequency) the added harmonics are compared to the fundamental due to the masking effect. A clarinet produces mostly odd overtones, so adding a 2nd harmonic will change its timbre more noticeably than adding a 3rd harmonic which is already present anyway. Further, even or odd THD is much less important than IM distortion, which is vastly more objectionable than any THD. Since THD and IMD are always present together, IMD is the most irritating type of distortion.

This is a perfect example of the logical fallacy known as "putting words in someone's mouth." I never said tube gear is garbage. Some of it is very good despite how much more effort (and expense) is required to obtain high fidelity.



*In every case competent SS [my note: only competent, not great SS, so what is one to conclude? A receiver is better?] has higher fidelity than tubes, even if some people prefer the sound of tubes (which is fine).* [yes, if you're an audiophool] I think that sums it up pretty nicely.
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