Or some would say if poorly designed enough.
Which SETamplifier (s) on what speaker (s)?
It's clear that SETs, in contrast to other tube amps, must be more carefully matched to the speaker in order to reap the full benefits.
One could say an SET designed poorly enough would sound like SS. One would be factually incorrect. But one could say it.
As for which SET and on what speakers. As I said in another post. Lose-lose proposition most of the time on forums. Talk in general about a class of design and people will say it doesn't apply to a particular example. Talk about a particular example and people complain it doesn't apply generally.
I already said my experience with SET is limited. Though consistent in a few examples. Have heard variations of them on K-horns, LaScalas, Wilsons, and a home-made high efficiency speaker. That latter was wonderful with a DIY OTL of only 10 watts, and with a Pass Aleph 3 of 30 watts. One can tell some things by measurements. And those are enough with most SET's to see shortcomings. One of which is as you say the need for extremely careful speaker matching. I can hardly think the worlds most wonderful match will unveil yards of detail never before beheld by me. For one big reason the output of good SS leaves little wrong. And SET's have all the characteristics to instead create false space, detail and lively sound. Which also seems the kind of descriptions for them. Yes, it is possible I am missing out on something wonderful. But the odds seem low, and we don't have unlimited time.