Man what a useless thread at this point.
On musicians and what they hear, going back to a post a few pages ago, I have by and large found them to be less sensitive to equipment. Musicians listen to the music, audiophiles to the gear. A musician is more likely to notice the third not dropped enough in pitch to fit the chord than the high noise and distortion (until it gets very high) and is much less likely to pick out sonic details routinely discussed in audio fora. I showed some members of the orchestra a TAS review once and they wanted to know how it sounded? Much of the descriptive prose was out of context for them, they didn't grasp the review.
Of course that is not true for all musicians, nor all audiophiles, but that's the trend I have seen (in my roles as an audiophile, musician, and engineer). YMMV - Don
I agree in part with what you have said Don. On the other hand, I've found that musicians going shopping for instruments such as a piano describe the sound characteristics in much the same terms that audiophiles do.