With YG, the highs can be a bit strident with the wrong amp and I feel an amp that has a bit of warmth works best.
With YG, the highs can be a bit strident with the wrong amp and I feel an amp that has a bit of warmth works best.
Bonzo, thanks. So where would you rate your top contender amps in terms of tonality, dynamics, speed, and Musical transparency (vs. analytical detail retrieval, also called "transparency", by many of the confused shmeggies in the audio media)?
Also, do you know why gryphon is not sold in the us? I realize there is a lot of competition with pass, d'agostino, Boulder, soulution, consolation, and many, many others, but at the same time there are a lot of "rich" people still left in the USA.
Hi ok, by transparency, I meant lack of color and the ability to let any upstream change be shown through. You can make Spectral sterile like bad digital or clearly show through a Koetsu colour due to its transparency
I think this statement of mine gives my thoughts as of today.
"My gut, without having compared them in the same system, says that Vitus (which I have heard many times and compared to Kondo Kagura) has more liquidity and flow and tone than Boulder and Gryphon (both of which I have heard only once in shootouts), less slam and jumps and dynamics. Boulder sounds most transparent and least colored of the three, and most nuanced on the micro. All three are too expensive and I am not going there. "
Tbh, since you like your pre/power combo, you would be better off spending your money on a good analog set up
(...) So I will keep my SS choice locked at Luxman until I get very rich, or until I find something better at that money or cheaper
Can I ask you why you are discarding Burmester 911 mk3, that we can find used in mint condition in Europe at fantastic prices?
Good point. I will see if I can get a compare. The preamp of Burms with the battery is pretty expensive. Have you heard it do well with good valve preamps?
Also, do you know why gryphon is not sold in the us? I realize there is a lot of competition with pass, d'agostino, Boulder, soulution, consolation, and many, many others, but at the same time there are a lot of "rich" people still left in the USA.
i believe gryphon may now have a new distributor in the u.s.?
they never had luck in the u.s., beginning with j-10's original review debacle of the dm-100 over 20 years ago.
As to your comment that Boulder is more nuanced on the micro, I am not surprised, as I believe it is the most powerful of the bunch. My gut feeling, based on listening to many amps, is that for those well-heeled to be able to bi-amp with the other contenders, you can achieve a lot of that micro-dynamic nuance and thus more breath of life in the music. But unfortunately, it all costs money one way or another, and there is no free lunch.
Thank you. If they scored a distributor, I hope it works out great.
Do you know what publication and / or individual did the review you mention?
Burmester 911 Mk3 monos with 808 Mk5: end of games!
Hi Sunjay
Rocco, how different is the 956 to the 911, especially outside a Burm system
I've had the 956 MK2 and then after a direct comparison I choiced the 911 Mk3. Both driving the ProAc D38 (version with no ribbon tw) with easy. The 956 Mk2 is a great amp, very refined and airy sound with a wide soudstage. But the 911 Mk3 is much better in all regards compared to the already excellent 956 Mk2. In other systems (mixed with other brands) where I've attended the 911 Mk3 was always better than 956 Mk2. In that occasion I've used the 011's preamp and cd player 001. At my ears the 911's (especially the mono pairs) is one the absolute best power amps ever heard.
I've some friend that uses the 956 Mk2 with tube preamp alike, Audio Research, Nagra PLL. The sound is quite good, but I prefer by a very wide margin the combo Burmester with own brand preamp. The sinergy in Burmester is the result of an intense and precise research-development based on a concrete system approach that grant a perfect sound result.
Burmester 911 Mk3 monos with 808 Mk5: end of games!
Hi Sunjay