ok, you're crazy.
honestly; my listening the last 2 nights to the ML3's made me feel like my system was made for them (which was the plan....other than my speakers are not 105db efficiency horns). i'll be especially interested in what a few of my 'tube loving' friends say about that issue when they visit. I see no synergy issues at all. just the irritating noise thing.
the Lamm's are doing what I figured they would do. and it's different than what the big darts do. and that is what I wanted. and I'm too close to the subject to be objective about what that says about me. those that know me well know that my personal system preferences were established by tubed OTL amps, that I view the darTZeel as along those same lines, and that I've always lusted after a set of tube amps to have when I wanted to go that way. so if that is a surprise to you, then I respect that it seems like a conflict to you.
better? worse? different? depends on your personal sonic compass and how you are feeling at that moment. will my system now have the ability to appeal to more people? seems like that is true. so more kindred spirit audio folks will come over and listen with me? I'm for that.
the Lamm's are more 'magical'........would be the term I would use. are they strictly accurate and undistorted? no. and why not have both views.
Well, I wrote a lengthy piece to respond but it got lost somehow. Therefore, only a short one this time. I am reminded of the Stereophile cover in 1994 that stated If either of these amplifiers is RIGHT...the other must be WRONG."
You are in an updated, modernized and rarerfied version of that debate.
Clearly for you to spend significant money on a pair of ML3s indicates that something was gnawing at you...and itch that wasn't being scratched.
I happen to be one who thinks that there is "more right" or "less right" sound that a system can make and that it is not all relativistic preference. That is because we are a quite aware what real acoustic sound is like. Comparisons of audio to wine tasting etc. are not correct because wine has no "real" reference...it is real in and of itself. There preference is everything and reviews of wine are merely guides of what kinds of tastes a wine has to offer...not whether you will like that combination of tastes/smells and there is no right or wrong there...only experience. Audio is a copy of something that was real and being played back...still there is closer and further from the reality of that performance. I happen to think that SET done right is closer (notice I don't say it gets there all the way) to right than other technologies done right...nevermind about either SET or other done wrong...they will be just different flavors of further from real.
Your deep subconscious has likely been working on you that what you have was in some way not all that real to your ear/brain pattern detector. I have experienced this numerous times...and it gnaws until you have to do something about it. I had a situation with a very nice NAT single ended hybrid that was telling one part of my brain what it wanted to hear and the other part was having a cognitive dissonance...it was maddening...so I got rid of it and put in a nice SET and went "ahhhh".