.....or is it Yang and Ying? (I would have used 'Clash of the Titans' as a thread title but it's taken.

(I apologize to those who already know my story/rationalizations

) for a number of years I've hankered for a set of tube amps for when that urge strikes me. of course; back in 2001-2004 I owned and loved Tenor 75 watt OTL's, then 10 years later I owned a set of Found Music 2A3 3-watt mono blocks I also loved but did not work in my system. my solid state amps, the darTZeel 458 mono blocks, for me are the perfect amplifier since they capture much of what tubes do, while providing all of the best of solid state. to my ears they sound like music. period. so i'm a happy camper.
yet; for whatever reason I continue to think about owning a set of excellent tube amps. and I've lusted after a few of them. I don't need a tube amp that sounds like my big darts. I want an SET that does the whole purity and inner touch, magic, super holographic, thing. the big darts have minimalist parts count, and zero global feedback. and so those are important in a tube amp too. and it would help if the amp were linear at the frequency extremes (rare in an SET). i'm lucky in that my speakers are friendly to an SET (with 20+ watts even in my large room) since they are 97db, 7 ohm, and the bass is powered below 40 hz. and even though the deep bass is powered, it takes it's signal from the main amplifiers to allow the bass to be 'of a piece' with the gestalt of the main amps.
so last week I went and purchased a set of
Lamm ML3 Signature mono blocks. it ticks all the boxes, I've heard it at shows multiple times, I've heard it twice at Steve's (Williams) house, and I heard it at David's (ddk) house too. except for David's house, all the rest were not quite as friendly a speaker situation as I have. I've pretty much loved it's sound every time. it does have it's own character, but it's one I love. if there is a tube amp out there more worthy of sitting next to my big darts, i'm not sure what that might be. maybe the Kagura's, but it's not an SET. and it needs tube rolling to be it's best; i'd rather avoid that part. it's more money too. and it's likely more 'like' the 458's than the ML3's are too. and honestly I have a feel for the sound of the ML3's and do not for the Kagura's. maybe if I did that would have been my target. i'm sure there are another 5 or 10 other tube amps which could have tickled my fancy that were not on my radar.
the ML3's will bring me a distinctly different musical viewpoint.
today I had some visitors, and we played one track where the big darts hit a 212 watt peak on a drum solo. not common, but it happens. obviously the ML3's cannot do stuff like that. so it will be limited in going to warp 9 mode. yet I know that the ML3's do space and can be quite dynamic for most music. and I have plenty of choices to stay away from the big boom stuff, or I live with a bit of distortion. I know this will not be a plug and play proposition. I will need time to see what I need to do to optimize the ML3's in my system. I will use the dart pre which is optimally single ended. I have a 7 meter set of Silent Source Signature RCA's I will use between the ML3's and the dart pre. to begin with I will use my EA speaker cables, but I am open to other speaker cables to find the right balance (likely ddk will have some good recs for me). my plan is to move any grounding connections back and forth between the amps (likely ddk will want to strangle me

these ML3 Signatures are 'used' but were sent to Lamm in NYC to be checked over before I got them and passed 'as new'. I also purchased a set of 4 SRA (Silent Running Audio) Virginia Class platforms made specifically for the ML3's. the platforms arrived yesterday (I've set them up below, waiting for amplifiers), the amps will be here by Wednesday. I will listen and report first impressions.
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