i have no idea if i am in your league of digital...but i can say that i spent 0 time 5 years ago listening to orchestral...that changed with the big Wilsons...but it went up and down as i continued to hone and refine the system. But now, it plays an equal part with any other kind of music without hesitation. the next challenge was organ...played nearly nil...until the last 12-18 months (in fact, just realized we played an album today of pure organ).
But it took more than the Gryphon and the CJ and the TA Opus cables, and and and...it took (as Micro has said before) a remarkable amount of time to clear out the mess, noise, distortion (and in my case) vibration (in particular the digital) to enable the system to play orchestral and organ thru without warbling, losing, fainting, buckling under the pressure. (i am all digital.)
I am not sure i get to warp 9 as described by Mike...certainly not his level of Warp 9...but our room does allow the system to breath (39' x 17' x 11') and it can be surprisingly 'relaxing' to listen at full tilt when we know the neighbors are out just to see what the system is made of. At volume, it just continues to scale and soar (where the intense sweetness of a violin or a crescendo is particularly sweet because it has a lifelike scale to it...and without tensing up which is where you immediately run to turn it down.
interestingly...i just added Ultra 6s under the Colosseum as the final piece to this latest round of vibration/isolation...and it has once again inspired me to dig back into orchestral...funny...we played organ and John Williams Lincoln Soundtrack along with several Hans Zimmer soundtracks today. perhaps there is something to what you say about good clean power and digital.
i'm sure this is not an 'on or off' type thing. there is likely a soft threshold where the quality of the digital combined with the ability of a room, system and signal path/amplifier headroom combines to enable the music to attain that sort of analog 'lift-off' to step into that 'suspension of disbelief' area specifically with large scale music. I do think there is a factor of refinement and information needed and who is to say what exact combination gets us there. only that it is another level of musical enjoyment and involvement that is out there to be found by those pushing the whole digital envelope.
for me it just keeps me listening and enjoying the music that previously it was a bit of work to enjoy. now it washes over me and carries me away so simply.
glad it's also touching you too.