I auditioned the Zellaton Plural Evo's for two months in my home. Something that I can state is that it does not perform at all with low and moderately high powered (120w ) monoblock Class A/B tube amps and a moderate powered (70w.) Class A tube amp. The videos I viewed prior to trying them used high powered/high priced solid state amps. The primary reviewer/owner used 400w. Goldmund Telos 300s, 400w amps.
I read that they also prefer something like the Octave MRE220SE Amp, a tube amp with 220w. into 4 ohms, the Goldmund Telos 3300 with 500w into 8 ohms and Burmester 159 monoblocks with 1,200w into 4 ohms (and $350,000). It just proves that my amplification was either insufficient and/or inadequate in damping factor to control the Zellaton speakers. So, I really never heard them function yet.
I read that they also prefer something like the Octave MRE220SE Amp, a tube amp with 220w. into 4 ohms, the Goldmund Telos 3300 with 500w into 8 ohms and Burmester 159 monoblocks with 1,200w into 4 ohms (and $350,000). It just proves that my amplification was either insufficient and/or inadequate in damping factor to control the Zellaton speakers. So, I really never heard them function yet.