And this one too is available in North America:
The first video, and this one just above; the resolution is lacking I find. This is just my first overall impression, for youtube videos of course.
Zero 7 is the better recorded my ears, and with less compression.
Yes Steve, I too noticed that Jack's video wasn't avail here from the uploader. I think it depends of what youtube's URL address is used.
By using the song's title and the band performing it we can find alternatives that would play here.
This one was easy, but sometimes others aren't so easy to locate; it can take much longer.
As an example, yesterday I was trying to play four-five youtube videos that were posted @ another site on La La Land's special features...short clips.
None would play for me here. So I researched by typing the titles of those clips, but I could find only one from the 4-5 that were posted.
Anyway, youtube videos sloud be universal...for the entire planet...I think.
It must have to do with copyright or similar. ...Like Blu-ray discs that have three different world's regions (A, B & C). Our BR players here only play region A, unless we have a region free player.
With the newer 4K Blu-ray discs that limitation has been lifted; they are all region free, bravo.