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We are pleased to welcome HearThis, import distributors and purveyors of end game audio solutions (based in CA) as a sponsor to What's Best Forum.

Here are more details from founder Gary Leeds:


"Fellow WBF members, my name is Gary Leeds, Managing Partner of HearThis. Steve, Ron and Julian, thank you for allowing me this opportunity to introduce myself. Please also allow me to thank my long-time friend and colleague, Jonathan Tinn of Blue Light Audio for his friendship, counsel and support."

"Our retail salon is located in Newport Beach and will, as we move forward, be known as End Game Audio. HearThis is the entity I have formed to introduce a number of talented emerging high-end audio brands as their US Brand Ambassador and exclusive US importer."

"Like many of my colleagues and fellow WBF members, my love of music and pursuit of the best in sound reproduction has been a lifelong pursuit. My first job in audio was working under Mike Kay at Lyric Hi-Fi in NYC. Mike, known to many as the Godfather of hi-end audio retailing, instilled in me a tireless work ethic, a way of evaluating the sound of reproduced music when listening critically, and a passion for seeking out young designers advancing the art and science of music reproduction."

"Putting that training and passion to work for our clients and supporting the promising next generation of talented engineers and companies is our mission and reason to be!"

"In addition to offering class-leading brands such as darTZeel, Merging Technologies, Evolution Acoustics, Durand, Wave Kinetics, Trenner and Friedl, Destination Audio and others, we are proud to introduce to the US market three exciting brands:"


Westminster Labs
amplification and audio cables (Founder Angus Leung)


AEquo Audio
loudspeakers (Founders Ivo Sparidaens left, and Paul Rassin right)


Ars Machinae
turntables and tonearms (Co-founders Ralf Wölfel and Alexandra Krug)


  Each of these companies have created a line of products that incorporate ground-breaking new technology (in many cases patented) that advance the state of the art in sound reproduction in meaningful ways. Each also excels at the art of industrial design and build quality combined with a singular focus on customer service and satisfaction. Our future posts will introduce each of these distinguished producers in greater detail, giving you a chance to hear from the designers what makes their offering so special. After all, they are the creators and risk takers that make the high-end a constantly evolving hobby that we derive great pleasure from and, on occasion, respectfully disagree.



  Our very own Ron Resnick attended the recent event at Steve William's house, that was the official launch of the amazing new Lampizator Horizon DAC. Check out Ron's interview with Lukasz CEO and designer at Lampizator!

A selection of threads on What's Best Forum
The Sound of Analog, the Sound of Digital
Dedicated audio room build thread aka The Big Dig (revisited)
Lampizator announcement: launch of our all new TOTL HORIZON DAC
(white hot thread)
Wadax Reference Dac and Server arrive
Aurender N30 - To stay competitive in 2021
FTA (Final Touch Audio) Sinope USB cable (user review)

Jonathan Valin’s TAS Review of MBL X-Tremes

Forget it Jake, it's Audiophile
Gryphon Apex Stereo or Mephisto Solos
WBF featured Classified / For Sale