If my memory serves me correctly, a few decades ago, I once heard a triode strapped 807 in single ended mode that really sounded nice! I'd love to hear how you like the 807's in this amp vs the 7581A's. I realize this amp is running in push/pull mode, but I'm still curious on your thoughts.
If my memory serves me correctly, a few decades ago, I once heard a triode strapped 807 in single ended mode that really sounded nice! I'd love to hear how you like the 807's in this amp vs the 7581A's. I realize this amp is running in push/pull mode, but I'm still curious on your thoughts.
If my memory serves me correctly, a few decades ago, I once heard a triode strapped 807 in single ended mode that really sounded nice! I'd love to hear how you like the 807's in this amp vs the 7581A's
We were using 807 tubes in the 1MC and 7MC for the general announcement and command&control circuits. They were driving many DYNALEC speakers and switching many SHURE microphones. Actually two amplifiers were working in redundancy. We switch those amps on and never ever switch them off, they were working 24/7 and almost no trouble. I cannot say how they fare with music, human voice was fine but it’s sure that they’re strong workhorses.