MSB comapred to Wadia


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2014
South Africa
I have the Wadia 571 CD Transport and Wadia 521 DAC connected with Wadia Glass Optical cable.

I am considering MSB Analog DAC for high rez even though CD is my main format.

My choice is MSB Analog DAC with MSB Universal Media Transport Plus with MSB media cable.

I have lived with Wadia products for years and like the sound it produces especially lower frequencies.

Does anybody have experience with MSB to advise me as to whether it is better than Wadia for primarily red book CD?
I am not familiar with the sound of the Wadia but have a MSB Analog Dac and Universal Media Transport Plus. I am most impressed by the sound of Redbook CD's run through the UMT+ as a renderer prior to going to the Analog Dac. It has really curtailed my purchase of SACD and going hires digital downloads. They also sound good but the regular CD sounds so good with this setup that only with really special pieces of music, that have been mastered very well for high res do I spend the extra money. I also have a USB module for the Analog Dac because to run with the I2S system and UMT+ one has to use JRiver and with this set up you cannot go gapless. this is not a problem form most records but some classical it can result in broken up playback so on these records I bypass the UMT+ and use the USB direct to the Analog Dac gapless. I also use the USB direct to the Analog Dac for streaming lossless albums with tidal. My previous digital was Esoteric UX-3 though prior to the MSB I listened mostly to vinyl. I got out of vinyl this past summer and have been very happy with the MSB.
thank you DavT,
always a pleasure to hear from you especially as you describe your experience very well.
looks like I will move from Wadia to MSB

You might want to look at the recently introduced MSB Renderer (
It's a streaming module that sits inside the DAC, interfacing directly with it. You will be able to stream music directly from your NAS (or JRiver), via Ethernet.
I haven't received mine yet, so I don't know if it does gapless, but I think it's something worth exploring!

aslufy, I have the Universal Media Transport Plus, this acts as a Renderer and is a step up from the renderer module. Kind of an expensive step up but very well worth it. Particularly on Redbook CD's run through the UMT+ and locked to the Analog Dac. If the MSB Renderer module is close to as good a very positive improvement. I also have USB set up to stream Tidal which is very good and the occasional album that needs to be run gapless.

To make it clear, the UMT+ is a renderer indeed, but it uses Oppo's software, which, IMO, is quite buggy and unreliable.
The attraction of the proper MSB Renderer is that it'll provide all the benefits you have with your UMT+, with none of the issues.


does this mean I should not get the UMT Plus for my cds etc. Is there some other Transport I should rather use with the Analog DAC.

I am trying to configure power supply: I have coupled the Analog power base to the Analog DAC and ....two desktop power supplies for the UMT plus... I now feel that might not be good enough and I need to Dual Signature power supply for the UMT Plus.
what have you opted for?
alfa100, don't hesitate to contact Vince Galbo with MSB, I have found him to be very straight forward and helpful. The renderer module is fine, the UMT+ offers more options and performs this task better. I do not use oppo software unless I am using a usb flash drive which I rarely use. I use JRiver to run the UMT+. As for power supply's, I use the two standard power supply's. I have considered the purchase of the dual signature power supply but that is getting a bit too expensive for me. I am pretty happy right where I sit with the two basic power supply's. As I spend more time in the audio hobby I am less inclined to try and get the "Best" and more inclined to just listen to the music. Are the upgraded power supply's better? I would imagine that they are, I just cannot free up the extra cash for them. I don't feel I am loosing too much.

For CDs (and DVDs, and SACDs), the UMT+ is awesome, by far the best transport I've seen, specially if you consider the cost/benefit. The fact that it has built-in streaming capabilities is icing on the cake, IMO.
If you're getting the Analog DAC, and you plan on getting an MSB transport, get *at least* the Platinum Power Base (*not* the Analog Power Base), as that'll allow you to power both DAC and transport with the same supply.


I have not used JRiver with the UMT+, so it's clear that, for your usage, the UMT+ is sufficient, and you really don't need the Renderer! Good for you :)
I don't really like JRiver, so I used the UMT+ reading straight from my NAS, and using the Oppo software to control it. Lots of glitches and bugs, so I gave up.
One idea would be to sell both of your supplies, and get a Diamond Power Base. You'll be able to power both transport and DAC, with MSB's best supply.

thank you for answering both my questions.
I am considering the Analog DAC and UMT Plus,
the Platinum power base for the DAC and audio section UMT Plus,
and single desktop power supply for video section of UMT Plus.
iS2 connection between transport and dac,
volume control for dac,
and universal remote control for dac/transport.

any comment?
thank you for answering both my questions.
I am considering the Analog DAC and UMT Plus,
the Platinum power base for the DAC and audio section UMT Plus,
and single desktop power supply for video section of UMT Plus.
iS2 connection between transport and dac,
volume control for dac,
and universal remote control for dac/transport.

any comment?

That's a good plan! I've exhibited at a local hi-end show with this setup, and people were generally (positively) surprised.
I highly recommend the volume control, it'll perform as good as a $10k pre-amp.

thank you.

I intend running this to my Pass Labs Xa30.5 with Transparent Audio reference balanced cable and onwards to the Wilson Audio Sasha using Transparent Audio reference speaker cable.

I will also try single ended RCA from DAC to power amp as I am told the Analog DAC is basically single ended .

comment please.
so why is the msb select 2.5 times the cost of the Diamond ? I understand it is fully optioned but do the hand picked 26 bit dac candy bar chips justify the cost ? How do you hand select dac chips anyway ? Sounds like an analog process to me...
so why is the msb select 2.5 times the cost of the Diamond ? I understand it is fully optioned but do the hand picked 26 bit dac candy bar chips justify the cost ? How do you hand select dac chips anyway ? Sounds like an analog process to me...

Since when was cost factored into the pricing of ultra high end audio?
neither can I figure the costs. Your Pass Labs Gear and Wilson speakers also fit into the same bracket.
I am not familiar with your vinyl setup but it also looks very expensive.
our passion for music is as expensive as the depth of our pockets, nay more expensive as often I find myself in danger of going too deep.
I understand it is fully optioned but do the hand picked 26 bit dac candy bar chips justify the cost ? How do you hand select dac chips anyway ? Sounds like an analog process to me...

MSB doesn't use "DAC chips". It uses hand made DAC modules, of their own design, in R2R ladder configuration.
Each model up has more of these DAC modules, and with more accurate resistors.
Not trying to justify the cost, just explain what makes the MSB different from other DACs that use off-the-shelf chips, at least from a build cost perspective.

thank you.

I intend running this to my Pass Labs Xa30.5 with Transparent Audio reference balanced cable and onwards to the Wilson Audio Sasha using Transparent Audio reference speaker cable.

I will also try single ended RCA from DAC to power amp as I am told the Analog DAC is basically single ended .

comment please.

Excellent cable choice.
I've only run the Analog in single-ended (RCA) mode, as that's what MSB recommends in the User Manual. If you have access to an XLR cable, do try it, and let us know the result :)

thank you for answering both my questions.
I am considering the Analog DAC and UMT Plus,
the Platinum power base for the DAC and audio section UMT Plus,
and single desktop power supply for video section of UMT Plus.
iS2 connection between transport and dac,
volume control for dac,
and universal remote control for dac/transport.

any comment?

While expensive, I think the Analog is one of the best products in its price range. Really an amazing product. I lived with one for quite some time until my Diamond was shipped and installed and loved the Analog.

I am not a big fan of the UMT+, however, if you are using it for a transport as well as video it is the way to go. As a renderer it is not great. Their PROI2S is excellent so enjoy and since you are spending the bucks you are, consider the renderer module if you are also looking for computer audio in addition to the PROI2S module for your UMT+ as your two modules

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