First Covid 19 vaccine recipient

Will you take a COVID19 vaccine when available

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WBF Founding Member
Apr 20, 2010
Metro DC
This is not a political discussion. My sister is a front line health care worker. She received her first shot today I will reoport any adverse rections if there are any god forbid. I think it world be interesting to see who is going to take a vaccine without political discussion.
This is not a political discussion. My sister is a front line health care worker. She received her first shot today I will reoport any adverse rections if there are any god forbid. I think it world be interesting to see who is going to take a vaccine without political discussion.

Absolutely. I will take it immediately when available, I won't think twice about it. The science is sound, in my judgement as a biochemist, and the data seem sound as well. No corners have been cut as far as I can see. Trials had been halted as mysterious disease cases appeared, and only resumed after concerns had been resolved. As it should be in a sound scientific process.

Some people have wondered about the fast development time. That is because several processes were initiated in parallel instead of sequentially, which costs much more money (e.g., production while trials were still underway, an extra risk factor). This again doesn't mean that corners were cut, they weren't.

In addition, and that is important, the vaccine has not been in development for one year, but for 17 years. How so? Scientists know since studying the first SARS Coronavirus (SARS-Cov1, causing SARS, a 2003 epidemic) that the spike protein, which docks to receptor proteins on cells, is the best attack point for a vaccine. That is why they did not have to waste any time and right away directed the mRNA vaccine for SARS-Cov2 (causing COVID-19) towards the spike protein. ALL COVID-19 vaccines are against the spike protein (Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca, others).
This is not a political discussion. My sister is a front line health care worker. She received her first shot today I will reoport any adverse rections if there are any god forbid.

Glad that your sister was able to get the vaccine! Adverse reactions are rare, and side effects like fever for a day (especially on second booster dose) are normal -- they are a sign that the body attacks the intruder (spike protein) and thus the vaccine works!

You can impossibly get COVID-19 from just the spike protein since it's only a part of the virus, it's by far not the entire virus machinery.

But the body then makes antibodies against the spike protein, and adds memory B-cells for those antibodies to its weapon arsenal, and thus is ready to defend itself against the actual virus.
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Currently the only side effect is a headache. That be caused by me. ;)
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Very few people have a negative reaction to the vaccine, and that is easily remedied. At only 71 I am in the third group to receive it in CA, so I hope it will be in February. I can't wait.
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I won't be taking it (ever). I'm not at risk, and I've had the organic version anyways. Plus I'm not interested in potential side effects (some of them can happen when you get the virus, the vaccine does not stop you from getting the virus, it's just meant to teach your body to recognize signs of the virus earlier). I also do not like that they aren't liable in anyway what-so-ever for any bad side effects. To me that sort of con (personally) does not out weigh the good for a virus that is only dangerous to a very limited number of people (not me). However with the age of many forum members I can understand their inclination to consider the vaccine has very different merit than my own.
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:oops: +1
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I won't be taking it (ever). I'm not at risk, and I've had the organic version anyways. Plus I'm not interested in potential side effects (some of them can happen when you get the virus, the vaccine does not stop you from getting the virus, it's just meant to teach your body to recognize signs of the virus earlier). I also do not like that they aren't liable in anyway what-so-ever for any bad side effects. To me that sort of con (personally) does not out weigh the good for a virus that is only dangerous to a very limited number of people (not me). However with the age of many forum members I can understand their inclination to consider the vaccine has very different merit than my own.
You are anti-vax anyway Folsom so your comments are moot.
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Side effects seem almost mandatory with any "hi level" vaccination/inoculation through the past years.
I can recall my Polio Inoc ' as a kid in the mid 50's--I was non compos for a week :p !

Yes I'm for the Vac.

Is it true that the manufacturers of the vaccine are not liable for side effects? What does that even mean? Do they have a blanket immunity from lawsuits? If so, That is interesting. I’m not aware of this.
In the USA, vaccine makers have protection from law suits because there is no money in making vaccines and they were getting sued with frivolous law suits. Folsom is using one of the anti-vax dog whistles. He is anti-vax and has stated that vitamins can help cure Polio.

any post from him regarding vaccines should be ignored by you and deleted by the mods as they have been THROUGHLY disproved.
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You are anti-vax anyway Folsom so your comments are moot.

I never said I'm anti-vax. Ever. I don't subscribe to binaryisms.

Why do you go from being friendly Jeff to posting BS to be mean in a flash? Do you feel ok or are you on edge all the time?
He is anti-vax and has stated that vitamins can help cure Polio.

As stated above, I've never EVER claimed to be anti-vax. And you need to re-read anything I've written, as vitamins are not a cure but a preventative measure so that symptoms are not exhibited. It's not my problem you know nothing about Polio so please stop parading like you do and that it's contrary to what I say (which would make it contrary to simple knowledge that the entire medical world confirms about Polio).
I won't be taking it (ever). I'm not at risk, and I've had the organic version anyways. Plus I'm not interested in potential side effects (some of them can happen when you get the virus, the vaccine does not stop you from getting the virus, it's just meant to teach your body to recognize signs of the virus earlier). I also do not like that they aren't liable in anyway what-so-ever for any bad side effects. To me that sort of con (personally) does not out weigh the good for a virus that is only dangerous to a very limited number of people (not me). However with the age of many forum members I can understand their inclination to consider the vaccine has very different merit than my own.
I respect your decision. I can only say however that you are medically misinformed
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As stated above, I've never EVER claimed to be anti-vax. And you need to re-read anything I've written, as vitamins are not a cure but a preventative measure so that symptoms are not exhibited. It's not my problem you know nothing about Polio so please stop parading like you do and that it's contrary to what I say (which would make it contrary to simple knowledge that the entire medical world confirms about Polio).
Not to sidetrack the thread, but are you saying vitamins can prevent Polio?
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