DS Audio Grand Master optical cartridge has been my number 1 cartridge for some time. It has a smooth sound and provides a lot of details, The bass is firm and defined. Although there are a few other good MC cartridges which I rotate to use, the time I spent with Grand Master is always the longest. DS Audio now produces a better version of it called Grand Master Extreme. The main difference is the one piece diamond cantilever and stylus. Without a glued joint between cantilever and stylus, the transmission of signal from record groove to cartridge motor is enhanced. The result should be better.
I get my Grand Master Extreme today. It was mounted up and listened. Playing the same piece of music using Grand Master before switching to Grand Master Extreme, the difference is obvious. GM Extreme has much higher resolution. Everything is just more clear. The basic sonic presentation is the same as GM but GM Extreme shows a better picture. Imaging is improved, every aspect that I like about GM just get even better. It is amazing . Anyone using Grand Master now will have no choice but to upgrade to GM Extreme. It is really good.

I get my Grand Master Extreme today. It was mounted up and listened. Playing the same piece of music using Grand Master before switching to Grand Master Extreme, the difference is obvious. GM Extreme has much higher resolution. Everything is just more clear. The basic sonic presentation is the same as GM but GM Extreme shows a better picture. Imaging is improved, every aspect that I like about GM just get even better. It is amazing . Anyone using Grand Master now will have no choice but to upgrade to GM Extreme. It is really good.

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