QSA Jitter Plugs


Oct 12, 2013
Essex UK
I have been using some QSA fuses for some time now with great results and last week decided to install one of their jitter plugs, or more accurately, their anti jitter plugs.
The range is similar to that of the fuses and I opted for the Orange model which retails for £600 here in the UK and which looked to me like the potential sweet spot in the range.
It is fitted into the wall outlet with an Entreq Atlantis power cable to the power block for my amp and sources.
Their claim is that they bring big benefits to the sound quality and in particular a more analogue sound.
Do they deliver? In my system most definitely yes. A big improvement immediately apparent from switch on and more incremental improvements with burn in.
The first source following switch on was my MD 109 FM tuner on BBC Radio 3's composer of the week programme, which I listen to on most days, and the presenter whose voice I am therefore very familiar with took on a new in the room quality. Completely apparent and the following music showed the same benefits.
On to the turntable (J Sikora Standard Line and Goldnote PH 1000 plus matching PSU) with Ryan Adams accoustic set at Carnegie Hall.Stunning.
Then Patricia Barbers Mofi Modern Cool SACD. (3 box DCS Scarlatti) Same result.
Five days later I am delighted with the plug. We are all familiar with the law of diminishing returns in this hobby as we move up the ladder, but this addition completely confounds that law. It really is that good.
The main improvements, and all of significant scale, are to timing, transparency and articulation which is particularly apparent on lyrics.Much improved separation of different instruments and bass response. And yes a more analogue sound as claimed.
Ryan Evans and Patricia Barber now have a new clarity and nuance along with similar improvements to the accompanying instruments and music.
I could go on but will refrain in the interests of succinctness.
But in conclusion I will just say it has been the best £600 I have ever spent on my system.
Congrats, Barry2013. That is really great news. I cannot use the jitter plug with the main Torus cable to the wall because the electricians put in a one of those blue commercial grade 16amp outlet at my request years ago. HOWEVER, there is a 20amp iec inlet jitter plug, and I am anticipating trialing that into the Torus which will then power the whole system.

Will look forward to hearing it!

Meanwhile, have been enjoying getting to know the LAN Jitters in the Zanden digital.
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I had the same experience when I used the QSA Crystal-treated silver jitter plug. I used mine at the outlet which was a SR orange duplex box. I have an Inakustic 4500P Power conditioner with a 20 amp Hijiri Takumi PC. I was sitting on my listening chair reading and within the very first song, I looked up and said what just happened. My music was instantly transformed. The level of detail and clarity were amazing.
As a result, I ordered a QSA Silver outlet, a QSA Lanedrie Ultimatum Infinity Power Cord. My plan is to use those in place of the jitter plug. I am going to try the Silver Jitter Plug on my JVC Movie projector in the theater room. I am really interested to see if the picture from the movie projector improves.

I am a fan of QSA now.
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Congrats, Barry2013. That is really great news. I cannot use the jitter plug with the main Torus cable to the wall because the electricians put in a one of those blue commercial grade 16amp outlet at my request years ago. HOWEVER, there is a 20amp iec inlet jitter plug, and I am anticipating trialing that into the Torus which will then power the whole system.

Will look forward to hearing it!

Meanwhile, have been enjoying getting to know the LAN Jitters in the Zanden digital.
Thanks LL21/Willgolf.
Good to know others are having similar experiences
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Congrats, Barry2013. That is really great news. I cannot use the jitter plug with the main Torus cable to the wall because the electricians put in a one of those blue commercial grade 16amp outlet at my request years ago. HOWEVER, there is a 20amp iec inlet jitter plug, and I am anticipating trialing that into the Torus which will then power the whole system.

Will look forward to hearing it!

Meanwhile, have been enjoying getting to know the LAN Jitters in the Zanden digital.
@LL21 . How you found the 20a IEC jitters until now? Thanks
I have a pair of Red Black jitter wall plugs amongst other QSA and QSA Lanedri products. I’m finding that these jitter plugs help focus and tighten the sound.

And the effect is cumulative too. Putting 2 of them in series feeding my streamer increases the tightening too much in my system making the sound a little harder and less natural.

I’m told the wall plugs and the IEC versions have a similar effect
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I have a pair of Red Black jitter wall plugs amongst other QSA and QSA Lanedri products. I’m finding that these jitter plugs help focus and tighten the sound.

And the effect is cumulative too. Putting 2 of them in series feeding my streamer increases the tightening too much in my system making the sound a little harder and less natural.

I’m told the wall plugs and the IEC versions have a similar effect
Thanks for your sharing experience mate. What you think will be more effective between QSA Lanedri PC vs plug/iec in the same RRP? For example Lanedri Revelation PC vs IEC jitters Silver which had same rrp 2,5k? Thanks
@LL21 . How you found the 20a IEC jitters until now? Thanks
Hi...thanks for following them up. Just landed on Org Gold LAN Jitter for digital. Very special. Awaiting trial sample of the 20a IEC.
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Hi...thanks for following them up. Just landed on Org Gold LAN Jitter for digital. Very special. Awaiting trial sample of the 20a IEC.
Thank you. Please share your feedback of the 20A IEC. Have you gotQsa Lanedri LAN infinity cable in your system?
Thanks for your sharing experience mate. What you think will be more effective between QSA Lanedri PC vs plug/iec in the same RRP? For example Lanedri Revelation PC vs IEC jitters Silver which had same rrp 2,5k? Thanks

No worries! I haven’t tried swapping the jitters and QSAL cables in the same spot. In my system the GR PC is in the best place already (powering a twin DC supply for USB PCIe card and router) and due to the use of a 20A cable for my streamer, my swap options are limited.

One thing point Anas keeps bringing up is the amount of conductor seems to enhance the QSA effect. All things remaining the same, a thicker cable has a stronger effect than a thinner cable. It’s then not surprising their Ultimatum range is supersized. So if I had to choose without listening tests, I would go for the option offering the most conductor length.

The QSAL cables come with a 30 day return policy so if the jitters offer the same where you are maybe just try and compare?
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No worries! I haven’t tried swapping the jitters and QSAL cables in the same spot. In my system the GR PC is in the best place already (powering a twin DC supply for USB PCIe card and router) and due to the use of a 20A cable for my streamer, my swap options are limited.

One thing point Anas keeps bringing up is the amount of conductor seems to enhance the QSA effect. All things remaining the same, a thicker cable has a stronger effect than a thinner cable. It’s then not surprising their Ultimatum range is supersized. So if I had to choose without listening tests, I would go for the option offering the most conductor length.

The QSAL cables come with a 30 day return policy so if the jitters offer the same where you are maybe just try and compare?
Thanks bro. Appreciate your sharing experience.
Thank you. Please share your feedback of the 20A IEC. Have you gotQsa Lanedri LAN infinity cable in your system?
I will when I have heard it. Meanwhile, no I do not have any Lanedri cables though have heard excellent things about them.
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Since the beginning of the year, I have tried out over 200 fuses and jitter/LAN products in various systems. As I already wrote in another thread, the QSA Gold fuses were the best that I tested.

The AC and LAN Jitter Gold connectors are also among the best. Only the SCHNERZINGER LAN and GRID PROTECTOR were superior to the QSA LAN and AC cleaners.
I have been working intensively with products to eliminate electrosmog for several years. I started with grounding products from SHUNYATA, ENTREQ, TELOS and Synergistic. By now I think I've tried pretty much all ESMOG products in the hi-fi sector. From $40,000 products to energetically treated glass pyramids for $100.
My conclusion: Today ESMOG is the biggest sound destroyer in the audio sector. In times when radio-controlled transmission technology (Wifi, mobile phones, groundings, etc.) is becoming more and more advanced - and with it the ESMOG load in the living area, a good and, above all, functioning overall concept for the elementation of ESMOG is becoming an elementary factor for good sound.
Do you have a link to ESMOG's website? I tried looking it up and ended up getting lost with a plethora of differing products. Also, which product would you recommend the most of their lineup?

BTW, that's a rather impressive list of things that you tried!

I think ESMOG is more clearly understood with a hyphen and quotes: “e-smog.”

What’s interesting is the Schnerzinger site, although I’m having a hard time figuring out the intended connections for the Lan and Grid units.
Since the beginning of the year, I have tried out over 200 fuses and jitter/LAN products in various systems. As I already wrote in another thread, the QSA Gold fuses were the best that I tested.

The AC and LAN Jitter Gold connectors are also among the best. Only the SCHNERZINGER LAN and GRID PROTECTOR were superior to the QSA LAN and AC cleaners.
I have been working intensively with products to eliminate electrosmog for several years. I started with grounding products from SHUNYATA, ENTREQ, TELOS and Synergistic. By now I think I've tried pretty much all ESMOG products in the hi-fi sector. From $40,000 products to energetically treated glass pyramids for $100.
My conclusion: Today ESMOG is the biggest sound destroyer in the audio sector. In times when radio-controlled transmission technology (Wifi, mobile phones, groundings, etc.) is becoming more and more advanced - and with it the ESMOG load in the living area, a good and, above all, functioning overall concept for the elementation of ESMOG is becoming an elementary factor for good sound.
Wow...that is a LOT of testing! Thank you for sharing! I have not tried anywhere near as many...Tripoint, Entreq (both in use here)...and Waversa (also now in use)...and most recently QSA LAN Jitter Org Gold...which we have been listening to in the system for a few weeks now and just agreed to keep.
The following test report give you an idea how important a good and, above all, functioning elimination of electro-osmog is:


The Schnerzinger GIGA CANCELING PROTECTORS dramatically show how important the elimination of ESMOG is for the sound of the music system. In 40 years of working with high-end music systems, I have never experienced such an extreme improvement in the sound of my music system as with the SCHNERZINGER GIGA CANCELING PROTECTORS. These Schnerzinger ESMOG PROTECTORS show that the elimination of electrosmog is the absolute priority when improving HIFI facility should be granted.

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Hello and good evening to you all. Moving forward on this thread, lets stick to the topic of the thread.

If you feel the need to further discuss ESMOG or Schnerzinger? Please create a thread about just that. Moving forward on this thread? Please stick to QSA Jitter plugs......which is the topic of the thread.

Thanks for your cooperation.

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I checked out this QSA guy last year, because he was selling 13A safety fuses though the UK distributor for up to £8,000. This is his modern hi-tech lab. It's a serviced office on the 13th floor of a 1960s factory building in Kowloon.

It seems he has worked as an audio dealer for about 20 years and was distributor for Akiko in 2015. Maybe he just saw fuses as a way of printing money. He was linked to a Chinese audio show.

As UK safety fuses (and plus, breakers etc) have to be certified to be legal, I took this up with the distributor AIRT. This is what the distributor replied:
Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 18.34.16.png
So they are £0.20 fuses that are sold for up to £8,000, using the "technology" illustrated above.
Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 18.43.18.png

The statement that "QSA are incredibly transparent ... they are all Bussman fuses" seems a complete fiction. As far as I am aware, they don't say that anywhere and completely cover up the Bussmann labelling. I may be wrong, but I've not seen it.

I did draw the distributor's attention to the labelling. Safety fuses must by law display the manufacturer's name, which these fuses do not. The distributor replied:
Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 18.39.26.png
Obviously this never happened.

With respect to the "20 years plus of R&D", he has a scientific graduate qualification, but there is no reference to any scientific activity since 1997.

Maybe I'm not open-minded enough to see the merit of a £0.20 fuse becoming worth £8,000 after Mr Tsang plugs it in to a box and has a rest on his sofa, without actually physically changing it, but it wouldn't be the first time. I never saw the point of tuning cups either.

Of course you can make non-safety audio products from chewing gum or pasta and charge what you like, but not a wide range of products that are covered by regulations that cost a fortune to make compliant products. It just seems to me that, as 13A fuses are widely used in the UK, QSA didn't want to miss out on selling them.
The following test report give you an idea how important a good and, above all, functioning elimination of electro-osmog is:


The Schnerzinger GIGA CANCELING PROTECTORS dramatically show how important the elimination of ESMOG is for the sound of the music system. In 40 years of working with high-end music systems, I have never experienced such an extreme improvement in the sound of my music system as with the SCHNERZINGER GIGA CANCELING PROTECTORS. These Schnerzinger ESMOG PROTECTORS show that the elimination of electrosmog is the absolute priority when improving HIFI facility should be granted.

View attachment 117946
With regard to increasing the level of audible detail by reducing the noise floor, it certainly helps A LOT to keep electrical activity in the region as low as possible.

Having has a very bad location for electrical noise, I decided prevention was better than cure. I put the hifi in a corner well away from any other power lines, and ran the hifi power supply line under concrete to the consumer unit, where it has its own 100A phase to the street. It is only about 6m of cable to the consumer unit. The only other thing connected to that supply is the car charger, which has a separate isolator and is used 6 hours per week, at night. There isn't another appliance within about 15m. The other power cables for sockets are limited and run up the walls into the ceiling. The internet comes over fibre.

I'm sure lots of people plan these things, it certainly worked for me.

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