Best pure MM stage for SUT?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2023
Hey - I ?m running a Brinkmann LaGrange with Miyajima System into a Consolidated Audio SUT and at the moment into my McIntosh C52 preamp (which has an integrated phonosection). I would like to try upgrading and running the SUT into an external MM phono - any thoughts/recommendations?
… pretty open end as long as it makes sense with regard to the setup and is clearly audible
I would suggest the Audiospecials Phonolab with MM-SUT card.

It has 4 gains and different impedances from 14kOhm up to 100kOhm
to suit your individual cartridge-SUT combination resulting in the best
possible load for your cartridge.

The overall sound will be extremely neutral but involving at the same time.
To my ears one of th best pure MM Phonostages on the market is the

Air Tight ATE 3011

If you have the chance, give it a try.

It is an interesting comparison to compare the Air Tight with the direct competitor from Kondo
to understand the little different ways to associate the listener to the music.

Enoy :)
To my ears one of th best pure MM Phonostages on the market is the

Air Tight ATE 3011

If you have the chance, give it a try.

It is an interesting comparison to compare the Air Tight with the direct competitor from Kondo
to understand the little different ways to associate the listener to the music.

Enoy :)
I actually heard Air Tight against Kondo GE-1 side by side with same cartridge and SUT. I liked Air Tight more, it has more sparkle, very good phono stage.
I keep running into phono stages that are humbuckets. Keep that in mind.
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I actually heard Air Tight against Kondo GE-1 side by side with same cartridge and SUT. I liked Air Tight more, it has more sparkle, very good phono stage.
Mtemur, which Air Tight was it, the 3011, too?
I like my EMIA phono corrector. you can do copper wound transformers or silver. mine is silver with 2 power supplies. price range is from under $20k-$40k depending. each one is built to your needs/wants. I match it with an MC Trio with 3 SUT's in one chassis. can be three different SUT's. so quite flexible. bullet proof. uncompromised parts and circuit design.

performs at the top rank.

I swapped out my Allnic 7000, which was very good, with a Kondo GE-10i. and never looked back. Also using the Kondo SUT
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RADA Precious One
Misho Myronov Wooden RIAA
Both are MM only very minimalist and pure design, both are excellent with Ypsilon MC L SUT
I have both at the moment
I swapped out my Allnic 7000, which was very good, with a Kondo GE-10i. and never looked back. Also using the Kondo SUT
IMHO you’re settled for the best with Kondo GE-10 and SFz SUT. Look no further.
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has been a constant when it comes to mm phono for over a decade. Beguilingly good sound, ultra flexible.
could you kindly tell us the sonic differences between precious one and Misho Myronov's wooden phono, I'm very curious about both,? thank you very much
could you kindly tell us the sonic differences between precious one and Misho Myronov's wooden phono, I'm very curious about both,? thank you very much

hi what’s your system
RADA Precious One
Misho Myronov Wooden RIAA
Both are MM only very minimalist and pure design, both are excellent with Ypsilon MC L SUT
I have both at the moment

could you kindly tell us the sonic differences between precious one and Misho Myronov's wooden phono, I'm very curious about both,? thank you very much
They are more similar than different, maybe a bit more HF energy with RADA. It's not bright even in the slightest. Both are very organic and quite musical.
RADA is twice more expensive, but both are pretty affordable compared to similar quality counterparts.
conrad jhonson premier 8
Very powerful amps, they can drive almost anything. It's been a long time since I last listen to them, sounding good as far as I remember. Do they have undetachable, fixed powercord?
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Very powerful amps, they can drive almost anything. It's been a long time since I last listen to them, sounding good as far as I remember. Do they have undetachable, fixed powercord?
yes good, you remember well, the power cables of the premier 8 are not detachable...
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