Munich HighEnd 2024

Yes. I used to do this at CES. I would make a CD of the tracks I wanted to hear and every vendor I asked accommodated me. Other reviewers do similar. It made it simple for the vendor and independent of his own catalog.
I just took a cd folder with about 15 cds …a bit more cumbersome but worked the same.
Was Stein playing their smaller models as well, or only big speakers?
Only heard the big ones playing. I s see Lao thought they sounded good. Would probably like them better with something other than Stein’s own amps though.
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Those amps from Japan that Zellaton was using , is a boutique brand , I think they are about 200K or so. I guess all for naught.
You shouldnt take my opinion for granted
May be you love all the solid state presentations.
People probably do , because Zanden Convergent And R Koda( tube like SS )werent even used at the MOC show.
So its either people love the controlled Solid state sound or they are spoon fed in believing its better by the magazine industry
Yes probably but i did nt take pics.
So not impressed

STEIN music horns were quit good .
Avant garde with the small horns sounded not good at all to my ears.

Living voice sounded very good in 22 with the cheap model but now they demonstrate with the much more expensive ( scan speak ellipticor) model which did nt sound good at all.
After the Trios I listened to these and was disapointed. Deep horns don't go well with direct radiators.


Living Voice brought the 25 Anniversary in 2022:


No nonsense, just music.
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You shouldnt take my opinion for granted
May be you love all the solid state presentations.
People probably do , because Zanden Convergent And R Koda( tube like SS )werent even used at the MOC show.
So its either people love the controlled Solid state sound or they are spoon fed in believing its better by the magazine industry
I am actually amp tech agnostic, have owned and used tube SE & PP, solid state and hybrid designs. My first real hi end amp was the VTL 225 Deluxe monoblocks.
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I am actually amp tech agnostic, have owned and used tube SE & PP, solid state and hybrid designs. My first real hi end amp was the VTL 225 Deluxe monoblocks.
Its all good buy what you want.
If people want the great machining of Boulder / D agostino why not.

I ve narrowed my preferences even more , i know exactly what i want to buy / make
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the hifi delux show ends on saturday. So sunday might get sketchy.

the hifi delux show ends on saturday. So sunday might get sketchy.

I don't know if you can read the Metadata from the photos, it writen 12.05.24 which is Sunday.
We visited Hifideluxe on that morning.


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I have Symphonic Line monoblocks. Very basic German chassis, but great sound I have to say

They are very good SS. I think they will sound great with Apogees
Zellaton? Just smooth? Nothing extraordinary?
I don't recall if it was last year or the year before that the Zellaton Plural Evo was at the show. Anyway, if my friend and I, who own the Plural Evo, didn't already know how that speaker sounds in a real room, we would never have guessed that the speaker at the Munich show was the Plural Evo. It sounded flat and poor compared to how it sounds at my friend's home.

I wouldn't judge any setup based solely on a show or exhibition.
I don't recall if it was last year or the year before that the Zellaton Plural Evo was at the show. Anyway, if my friend and I, who own the Plural Evo, didn't already know how that speaker sounds in a real room, we would never have guessed that the speaker at the Munich show was the Plural Evo. It sounded flat and poor compared to how it sounds at my friend's home.

I wouldn't judge any setup based solely on a show or exhibition.
These sound somewhat mid bass impact deficient from what I ve read, and heard with their Classic Line models.
The other day I spoke to a mate who’s been over to Munich a few times (but not since 2019) and he’s thinking he might make the trip again next year… so if Western Electric is back 2025 I’ll likely head over next year as well and tie it in with a trip through Italy, France and Spain.

With regards to music at shows while I grew up listening in punk, post punk, pub rock and the EDM rave eras I also listened to jazz and classical from early on (pre teens) so I’ve never had issue with anyone’s music preferences but I do find when assessing gear acoustic instruments are just easier to benchmark against for me. Sure the quality of the music in any genre is important to me but not so much about genres themselves, we all just resonate to a different range of music… it’s not so much about better or worse but just about a different fit for the spirit.
It is rather strange that not one of the forum members that have visited the show has mentioned their impressions of the new Zellaton model range top speakers, which are supposed to be the best transducers since ever....

Or, Goldmund which just has come out with their new range of amplification & digital.
At Zellaton there was TTs from Reed on the analog side. The German importer of Reed was in the room and acted as DJ. He is known for his - in a good sense - very special music selection.

Regardless of this, it sounded pretty good in the Zellaton room. Extremely well resolved and yet not a typical hi-fi sound, but with body, authenticity and soul. But also slightly bordering on over-pointed. That's why I think you should combine these speakers carefully.

I also listened to them with a digital source on my next visit. All the magic was gone ..... - so possibly not well combined in that respect either - or caught a bad recording.

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