Munich HighEnd 2024

Exactly .

Fm acoustics plays real world music

Not like some other brands who play safe ping ping music .
I should have added the Destination Audio room at hifideluxe too. Great potential, sounded good!
Can I ask on which day you visited the FM Acoustics room? When we were there on Sunday, we heard no bass. The sound was piercing and unnatural, and all seven of us were shocked by the presentation in that room.
I was there Saturday afternoon!

The bass minus their bass pedestals that they used in 2022 was not as good. In the selections played when I was there the bass was adequate but I would agree not as heavy as the techno pop parade in many rooms. The music selected by MH worked for me but certainly wasn't audiophile hits.

Hmm not sure I was hearing the same presentation as you. I liked the wide and deep soundstage and I usually can't stand piercing mid range and highs like you would hear on say Focals. Where were you sitting and how full was the room?

Manuel Huber was tweaking quite a bit to show what his preamp could do to control room nodes and hum. His sidekicks were not as adept at it as he was, I wonder if something was left askew.

Or it could be as simple as we perceive music and sound differently. Check out the Aries Cerat comments, lol?
I don't know. For some reason I thought there was an updated or upscaled version, but I guess that was incorrect.

I agree that a quality turntable should be available for less than a high figure. For now I'm quite happy with my GPA Monaco.
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Yes i heard also potential i guess the GM 70 is a special tube.
The horn ruined it at times , kinda shouty .
Would like to have heard the amp on different speakers
A placement /room issue is what I felt. Hence I used the word potential.
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He was going to challenge Marty to an audiophile duel? That was my first thought:D:D
First, you have to define the rules first for an audophile duel. I propose it's the person who can set up a cartridge the quickest to 0.01mg of the correct VTF. If no analog is available, its the person who can most quickly set up speakers for the overall flattest frequency response in the room. In the event of a tie, it's the person who can write something the quickest that either irritates or praises a manufacturer..
First, you have to define the rules first for an audophile duel. I propose it's the person who can set up a cartridge the quickest to 0.01mg of the correct VTF. If no analog is available, its the person who can most quickly set up speakers for the overall flattest frequency response in the room. In the event of a tie, it's the person who can write something the quickest that either irritates or praises a manufacturer..

And in the very end, both shoot each other and die.
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I was there Saturday afternoon!

The bass minus their bass pedestals that they used in 2022 was not as good. In the selections played when I was there the bass was adequate but I would agree not as heavy as the techno pop parade in many rooms. The music selected by MH worked for me but certainly wasn't audiophile hits.

Hmm not sure I was hearing the same presentation as you. I liked the wide and deep soundstage and I usually can't stand piercing mid range and highs like you would hear on say Focals. Where were you sitting and how full was the room?

Manuel Huber was tweaking quite a bit to show what his preamp could do to control room nodes and hum. His sidekicks were not as adept at it as he was, I wonder if something was left askew.

Or it could be as simple as we perceive music and sound differently. Check out the Aries Cerat comments, lol?
Except for the two guys running the demonstration, we were the only people in the room. I sat in the middle of the first row. The sound I heard was anything but audiophile.

To put things in perspective, here is a quote from a long-time audiophile and regular visitor to the Munich High End and Hifideluxe shows. This is a translation to English from his post on an Israeli audiophile forum:
"In short, most of those who presented don't know how to tune and balance a system. They just ask for tens of thousands of euros, or even millions, like in the hotel room of FM Acoustics with a system that costs over a million euros but sounds terrible!"
First, you have to define the rules first for an audophile duel. I propose it's the person who can set up a cartridge the quickest to 0.01mg of the correct VTF. If no analog is available, its the person who can most quickly set up speakers for the overall flattest frequency response in the room. In the event of a tie, it's the person who can write something the quickest that either irritates or praises a manufacturer..
Nah, that would be all too easy.

The rules I propose are: Two, or more audiophile duelists are put in the acoustically isolated room. The room will have a system playing at at no louder than 80 db (safe by the OSHA standards). The room will have a system playing music on the PA system, or any JBL. The duelists won't have any control over the system's' loudness, nor able to stop, or start the music. The playlist will consist of ONLY 3 artists: Mariah Carey, Jennifer Lopez, and 3rd one by any other modern pop dreck at the choosing of the duelists (no audiophile, or other "normal" music is allowed). I say whoever lasts the longest in that room, wins!
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Except for the two guys running the demonstration, we were the only people in the room. I sat in the middle of the first row. The sound I heard was anything but audiophile.

To put things in perspective, here is a quote from a long-time audiophile and regular visitor to the Munich High End and Hifideluxe shows. This is a translation to English from his post on an Israeli audiophile forum:
"In short, most of those who presented don't know how to tune and balance a system. They just ask for tens of thousands of euros, or even millions, like in the hotel room of FM Acoustics with a system that costs over a million euros but sounds terrible!"
Obviously you did not find the room and/or equipment to your liking!

I would say that if the room was empty it may have had an effect on the sound. The system was likely tuned for a decently filled room. Although I don't know much about the FM Acoustics stuff it was demonstrated by MH that it has more than most components the ability to be tuned for the room.

OCD Hifi Mikey was in the room when I was in the room. I am not sure if he ever mentioned the sound but he "went off" on the elitist bullshit components that were not up to his standards build wise and he was incensed that he could not touch them. Definitely OCD! He is on YouTube. Clearly he did not like FM Acoustics either!

As far as your quote from the long time audiophile. He is clear in his opinion and in general I would agree that there are a number of expensive high end exhibitors that could pay at least adequate attention to setting up their systems. As far as his opinion on FM Acoustics I bet I could find another long time audiophile that liked the room!

I respect your opinion, you did not like what you heard. Others will agree with you, others won't. There will be no absolute consensus. All part of the hobby.

When they played Dire Straits in the FM room it sounded just fine to me!
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Thanks .
I might be adding a wadax studio player before the end of this (tax ) year and the acoustic sounds Ultra tape collection.
And then its over basically.
20 years of exploring
It's never over, lol! I am over 50 years of exploring and still loving it.

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