Suggestions for Reference level vintage MM carts

I absolutely loved the musicality of my old Nagaoka MP-50
Just missed out on a ADC ZLM. Still awaiting to hear about a stanton 881-s. I have now decided to rule of the EPC range of Empire/Technics carts. I've been put off by reading too many threads regarding the suspension on these carts. I'm using a fixed headshell as well on a SME V-12, so the EPC range looks like it will have to be something I admire but never try and I'm not about to play the cartridge merry-go-round tryinig to find a decent specimen from Ebay or someone several thousand miles away with no chance of refunds if the cart is a dud. The good news is that the list is getting smaller.

keep us posted.
BTW: I found that Vintage-MM carts are herd animals. The size of their flock seems to be an important aspect of their social environment and it seems to grow quite uncontrolled. At the same time they like to get enough play-time for a species appropriate cattle breeding .
So I would strongly suggest a low to mid-low weight tonearm with removable SME-headshell for easy cartridge swapping. The good thing is that this opens another nice playground: Finding the right headshell for the individual cart.
SME3009 is an obvious choice, so called universal tonearms from the 70s like Fidelity Research FR24/54 or Grace G545/G840F work very good with MMs too. If it has to be something new the Sorane TA-1 9" is a good fit.

cheers Ralf
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Many of us (vintage reference MM lovers) started collecting some 20 years ago. Different market prices back then :).

I use three arms on my deck. One for MM (frequent swapping), one for my various SPUs, one for a (kind of) reference MC. It's not a matter of choice between them. It's about enjoying all flavours.
Yes, I'm just like you four or five decks with various arms, mainly SME, I have the 3009/3012 sitting on my Garrard 301, one I use for SPU's (the 3012), the 3009 I use for a mono setup. Not please don't judge, I have vintage MM's sitting on my Garrard 401/SME V-12 combo (DON'T LAUGH)!!! I have another deck for high end MC's, I have the Ortofon Cadenza black sitting on that. All bring something different to the table. The MM brings the greatest smile, the Cadenza black is very forensic in nature, the SPU's are great for my Jazz fetish and the MONO setup is great for listening to all those old DECCA classical recordings.
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keep us posted.
BTW: I found that Vintage-MM carts are herd animals. The size of their flock seems to be an important aspect of their social environment and it seems to grow quite uncontrolled. At the same time they like to get enough play-time for a species appropriate cattle breeding .
So I would strongly suggest a low to mid-low weight tonearm with removable SME-headshell for easy cartridge swapping. The good thing is that this opens another nice playground: Finding the right headshell for the individual cart.
SME3009 is an obvious choice, so called universal tonearms from the 70s like Fidelity Research FR24/54 or Grace G545/G840F work very good with MMs too. If it has to be something new the Sorane TA-1 9" is a good fit.

cheers Ralf
Ralf, I had a good chuckle at this. I seem to herding Shure carts, 5 (i think) at last count. A couple of ADC's and a few other bits and pieces. Man I don't fancy headhsell matching but I suppose it's part of the games. I have the 3009 and the 3012. I fully relate to your tonearm comments and can see myself hunting down several new arms for a new multi-arm project that I have boiling in the background.

vintage MM lovers should also consider the older B&O cartridges like MMC 6000 or MMC 20CL.

The MMC 6000 was equiped with a so called "Pramanik" needle, a sophisticated parabolic diamond,
the MMC 20CL has a sapphire cantilever with a line contact diamond tip (see pictures below):


Best regards, Tony
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