Dartzeel LHC-208 Streaming Capabilities Updates?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2020
Does anyone know if the LHC-208 has been updated to work with an iPad and stream Quboz or Apple Music through airplay? Haven't found much info about updates and full capabilities on line.

Just how good do you think the streamer, DAC and Preamp portion of this unit is in comparison to similar performing separates such examples as say Lumin Mini U1, Lampi Amber 3 and Cary Audio SPL-98 or even SPL-05? Not to mention the amp for good measure. I think if you add up the costs of the latter plus cables, it comes close to the same cost as the LHC-208. Maybe more including a comparable amp?
Does anyone know if the LHC-208 has been updated to work with an iPad and stream Quboz or Apple Music through airplay? Haven't found much info about updates and full capabilities on line.

Just how good do you think the streamer, DAC and Preamp portion of this unit is in comparison to similar performing separates such examples as say Lumin Mini U1, Lampi Amber 3 and Cary Audio SPL-98 or even SPL-05? Not to mention the amp for good measure. I think if you add up the costs of the latter plus cables, it comes close to the same cost as the LHC-208. Maybe more including a comparable amp?

hi Mike,

since you recently purchased your Evolution Acoustics Micro One's from Jonathan, who is the North American distributor for darTZeel, my 2 cents is to reach out directly to him for an answer. i would tell you if i knew the answer.....i do not. there may be reasonable workarounds for streaming.

as far as performance, based on my personal listening experience with the LHC-208, it's more refined and musically complete than those others. the amp and pre are real darTZeel's, which is the very top to me. and your Micro One's will thank you for feeding it with darTZeel.

best regards,

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Thanks Mike. I'll try to reach out to Johnathan about the streaming capabilities. I was hoping it would at least work with Roon. It's a shame my local deal doesn't carry any of the above mentioned for a comparison. They have Levinson, which has never appealed to me for their cost. The ARC stuff I have heard is good but I don't think I will get that huge jump in performance over the Cary and the Macintosh is around the same league I guess.

But, I took a leap of faith on the Micro Ones and I am more impressed by them day by day as they start to break in (75 hrs now). Also unfortunate there's no Dartzeel dealer nearby to audition but most of the people here who are way more of an expert than me seem to think highly of Dartzeel. Besides the need of a better phono, the LHC-208 would kill the four birds with one stone, improving the streamer, DAC, pre and amp in my system.
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Though I'd love to use the LHC-208's built-in Ethernet streaming more often, as it does sound fantastic, but as the OP pointed out, it's a bit behind the times, and with no Roon support, I have to resort to using its (excellent) USB port. We pair it very successfully with myriad Innuos servers, and we have clients using Aurenders as well, and very happy with the results.
With the Innuos, you can use the 208 through the USB, and once its Ethernet port gets Roon capabilities, you can just switch the Innuos/Roon from USB to Ethernet.
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Looks like an update on LHC 208 coming. New model being teased on social media with picture of back of unit which seems to have Dart and RCA outputs added vs current model.
Looks like an update on LHC 208 coming. New model being teased on social media with picture of back of unit which seems to have Dart and RCA outputs added vs current model.
Do you have a link for any of those pages?
I thought I would piggy back on this thread. I just finally set up a new router with Ethernet and bought an iPad to run the Dartzeel app. Radio works fine but I can't seem to get tidal to play. Everything acts normal but when I try to play a song nothing happens. No indication it's playing on the app, no indication the dart sees any feed. I've messed around and messed around and can't find a solution.

Has anyone had anything like this? Any suggestions?
i don't know about that, but there is a new darTZeel distributor you could ask.

Total dream photo, for me at least.
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The LHC-208 is currently waiting Roon's approval/certification. They have had the machine(s) for a good while now, so let's hope they conclude their certification process soon!
I am a DarZeel LHC-208 MKII owner. I heard LHC-208 certification is "in the final stages"!

Reminder: the LHC-208 must be MKII to be Roon eligible. The Version 1 amp is not compatible. V1 to V2 upgrades are available from the manufacturer.

This is a GREAT sounding unit and allowed me to streamline my system and get way better sound. I never play anything I don't like the sound of.
Can anyone give me an idea if talking about the performance of the amp section only, is the LHC-208 mk2 comparable to a CTH-8550 mk1? Really want to know if Dartzeel is good for rock music as well.

All inputs are most welcomed. Thanks!
The streamer / Dac sounds great! The whole unit sounds great. The LHC-208 replaced an Aqua La Scala DAC and an Aqua LinQ streamer and I’ve never missed them. In fact I’ve moved forward in sound quality. Long way forward.

Every kind of music sounds good, most natural musical sound I’ve ever owned.

I've compared Tidal direct into DZ ethernet to Tidal through Roon (separate Metrum streamer, DZ DAC) and the direct stream was a noticeable improved sound.

I don’t play a lot of rock but when I do there is plenty of bass presence and the high end isn’t sharp. Presence is dependent on the recording.bur on well produced (eg Pink Floyd) there is a tube like euphonic presence. Even with 70s British Canterbury sound (eg Hatfield and The North , Caravan) which are thin recordings, it’s pleasant listening and classic rock (Van Morrison, Dire Straits, Beatles, …) sounds fresh, rich and vibrant.

Not into head bangers (hard rock, death metal…) so can’t comment.

The LHC-208s best trick is how pleasant it makes 1930s, 1940s country blues and early jazz sound , some mastered from 78s’.

Classical is perfect .. solo, chamber, large symphonic, opera.

On well produced music, it knocks it outta the park. At audiophile listening levels it moves the furniture around the room.

It’s so good, I’ve quit listening to the sound and just enjoy the music.

The only down side is the frustratingly slow progress getting Roon certified which has been in progress since September. Good things come to those who wait.

Hope that helps. Don
Thanks Don and that surely helps a lot! I mostly listen to alternative rock, some jazz, some classical but definitely no death metal lol. Will study more and try to make a proper judgement as it’s almost impossible to have a proper demo here in Vancouver Canada. So will take my time and see how that goes. Many thanks again!
Thanks Don and that surely helps a lot! I mostly listen to alternative rock, some jazz, some classical but definitely no death metal lol. Will study more and try to make a proper judgement as it’s almost impossible to have a proper demo here in Vancouver Canada. So will take my time and see how that goes. Many thanks again!
If you want, send me a couple albums, songs and I will give you my input on how it sounds. Granted it will be my Stereo (Innuos Zenith, Siltech cables, DZ, Peak Consult Incognito speakers -- but I can at least baseline it against the sound I hear from the above broad base of music I listen to.
Ya that surely sounds like a plan if you don’t mind spending some time on it and I’ll only bother you with three tracks. They’re not necessarily audiophile recordings but certainly play a big part in my musical journey.

Before The Bullfight by David Sylvian
Every Colour You Are by Rain Tree Crow
Delicate by Damien Rice

Many thanks again and let me know what you think!
Ya that surely sounds like a plan if you don’t mind spending some time on it and I’ll only bother you with three tracks. They’re not necessarily audiophile recordings but certainly play a big part in my musical journey.

Before The Bullfight by David Sylvian
Every Colour You Are by Rain Tree Crow
Delicate by Damien Rice

Many thanks again and let me know what you think!
Glad to. I’m a huge David Sylvian fan from Japan days, Rain Tree Crow and esp. Solo. His sonics are great so I know it sounds good. I have a 7 hour playlist of Jansen, Barbieri, Karn & Sylvian I regularly play on random shuffle so I can attest good fit but will do an audition to give you an audiophile review not a fan review.
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