Glad to. I’m a huge David Sylvian fan from Japan days, Rain Tree Crow and esp. Solo. His sonics are great so I know it sounds good. I have a 7 hour playlist of Jansen, Barbieri, Karn & Sylvian I regularly play on random shuffle so I can attest good fit but will do an audition to give you an audiophile review not a fan review.
Before the Bullfight (Gone to Earth)...great presence on the drums in the intro; atmospheric; lots of layers, synthesizer in intro is a bit aggressive but not problematic; Sylvian's voice mixed back; guitar high's sparkle (gotta like Bill Nelson); bass full, layers clearly delineated. its a murky song; but all the pieces are clear, presence but carry the smoky feel of the song; voice carries very well....8 out of 10
Every Colour You Are by Rain Tree Crow: the guitar intro very present, smooth, bass line solid; synthesizer again, a bit sharp; good presence, Sylvian's voice more forward than the previous song but still not as far in front as his earlier cds; electric guitar incisive but not sharp; snare drum... sounds like a snare drum. Karns bass snarls - this is great. 8 out of 10.
This got me playing some other DS, like Brilliant Trees (The Ink in the Well) , Secrets of the Beehive (September), Dead Bees on a Cake..... they are even nice than the above.
Delicate by Damien Rice: guitar gentle/ exquisite, voice emotion carries well, plaintive; strings nicely mixed into the middle, not over powering the voice; second harmonics in the quiet part of the song present, carry the emotion.... I dont usually listen to music like this, but I have to admit, its giving me chills, poignant music!
9 out of 10 sonically!
So overall.... this is my stereo, not yours but I think Sylvian's music is generally well produced and on the DZ it sounds like it should. Now if you had a pair of speakers which emphasized the high end (e.g. B&W), it might not wear as well. My Peak Consult are full bass, smooth mid and mellow high end.