Lampizator Vinyl Phono stage arrived

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On Friday night I received a package from Greg at G Point audio, in the package was my new rack manufactured by and the new Lampizator MM MK2 phono stage. This is the latest revision in the smaller case and has solid state rectification. It was late when the courier showed up on Friday and I managed to get everything back together and left the phono stage on overnight to warm up.

On Saturday morning I spun some vinyl using my Ortofon Rondo Bronze MC through my Denon SUT. The Denon SUT is quite versatile in that you can put 2 arms into the SUT, so I setup my Spacedeck with the FR64s arm and Denon 103 MC cart for comparison purposes.

From the get go I was very impressed with the MM Mk2 phono and felt it could only get better, I’ve left this on 24/7 and I feel that using the MM phono with a SUT was far better than when I tried the original MC1 phono earlier on in the year, maybe the pre-set loadings of the MC1 phono had didn’t suit my cartridges at the time?

One thing that grabbed me with this phono was the bass articulation, kits very extended and deep. I tend to play quite a lot of Jazz nowadays and have a decent selection of Blue Note and ECM pressings, playing Dave Holland Life Cycle (ECM 1238) was a revelation even though on this recording he plays solo cello you could really pick out the detail and depth of the instrument.

Another noticeable was the surface noise was much lower, although the published data on the phono stage gain has not yet been released I did get an inclination that the gain was set to around 50db which could be contributing to this?

It’s still early days with this phono and I’ve got to pass it onto a colleague on Thursday who will do some more testing but I do feel that at the price point it’s a very good phono and can be tailored to MC carts with the right SUT.

I’ll be playing more vinyl over the next few days to get a better understanding. The UK dealer did say that it would take around 100 plus hours of running in and probably sound its best when at 300 hours.

Untitled by henleymajor, on Flickr

Untitled by henleymajor, on Flickr

Untitled by henleymajor, on Flickr
Probably a long shot on this old thread, but... Has anyone heard the Lampizator MC-SUT-A? It's a step-up with two inputs and four different variable loading options. Not sure what transformers Lampi uses. Maybe their own? Seems like this might have the same ones in the MC phono stage.

At any rate, I have the MC-SUT-A coming my way from a local-ish dealer, so will have a chance to test it, eventually. But curious if anyone's had ears on. It looks well made at any rate.
Love to know how it sounds. I have the VP4 Silver phono. It is game changing
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Probably a long shot on this old thread, but... Has anyone heard the Lampizator MC-SUT-A? It's a step-up with two inputs and four different variable loading options. Not sure what transformers Lampi uses. Maybe their own? Seems like this might have the same ones in the MC phono stage.

At any rate, I have the MC-SUT-A coming my way from a local-ish dealer, so will have a chance to test it, eventually. But curious if anyone's had ears on. It looks well made at any rate.
I've not heard the SUT but I believe they use Lhundall
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I've not heard the SUT but I believe they use Lhundall
The Lampi SUT arrived today (very quick shipping), and it is... massive. Like full rack-width size. I've never seen a bigger SUT. While this is sort of exciting in a way, they pretty obviously re-used the case from one of their other products, as there's a lot of empty space inside. (Just from peering through the vent holes. I haven't popped the lid yet.)

All I can tell from looking at the actual transformers is that they're labelled "Amorphous Core High End SUT Ver 20."

That's interesting that they potentially use Lhundall and maybe a touch disappointing, as the two Lhundall-based SUTs I've heard I didn't really love. But I think they used lower-tier Lhundalls, and the Lampi might be using two LL1931. That would be consistent with "amorphous core" and the turn ratio of either 1:8 or 1:16 offered by Lampi. The LL1931 are about $500 a pair when bought just on their own, so not vastly expensive.

Anyway, I won't be able to get this SUT into a system for a couple months, but I have a thirty-day return window in which to mull it. It looked so cool online that I pulled the trigger.
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Love to know how it sounds. I have the VP4 Silver phono. It is game changing
What other Phonos did you compare the Lampi to before you pulled the trigger?
What other Phonos did you compare the Lampi to before you pulled the trigger?
Not a ton of experience. I tried the Goldnote solid state range—budget to top, Mofi and my buddy’s tube phono from Jadis.
I kind of leapt on faith, based on my Pacific and Horizon experiences and some discussions with local Lampi dealer and Lukasz. I have not been disappointed with it. My buddies all are amazed at it as well…. Are you contemplating one?

P.S. I dont have a line stage currently and run it balanced directly to Horizon’s analogue input. Combo is glorious…. Currently spinning Prayer Meetin’ by Jimmy Smith. Oh man….
Not a ton of experience. I tried the Goldnote solid state range—budget to top, Mofi and my buddy’s tube phono from Jadis.
I kind of leapt on faith, based on my Pacific and Horizon experiences and some discussions with local Lampi dealer and Lukasz. I have not been disappointed with it. My buddies all are amazed at it as well…. Are you contemplating one?

P.S. I dont have a line stage currently and run it balanced directly to Horizon’s analogue input. Combo is glorious…. Currently spinning Prayer Meetin’ by Jimmy Smith. Oh man….
Thanks for your answer.
No Vinyl for me, too much hassle for my taste but I do Love the sound of good Vinyl.
My friend M has the VP4 and is VERY happy with the sound.

Btw. Did you already do some tube rolling with the VP4?
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No. Lukasz strongly advises against it so i left them. It sounds so good. Not sure i need it.
I felt the same, but then heard Vinyly and wow!

I see you have the SuperKomputer. Do you like it? Is it detailed and open or warm?
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No. Lukasz strongly advises against it so i left them. It sounds so good. Not sure i need it.
You (of all people ;)) should know what can happen when you roll tubes in a Lampi device :eek:

Please at least have a peek inside the box to see what tubes you have in there now :p
No. Lukasz strongly advises against it so i left them. It sounds so good. Not sure i need it.
I felt the same, but then heard Vinyly and wow!
Did you have a look at the stock tubes in your VP4 in the meantime?
Yeah. They are old ones. For now, sound is really nice on that side.

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