This is mentioned on the Lampizator homepage,
but my personal data sheet is saying for MM1 and MC1: ECC83 + 6N2P + 6C5S + EL 34
supported is much more.
This is his first attempt at a phono. For reference, it will be DHT, which will improve over time, and I bet will have a lot of flexibility from valve choice to input choice
Hi, I am currently auditioning the MC1 in my system. It is a beautiful looking machine and sounds just as good. I hooked it up Friday night and after about an hour my wife came up from the living room and said the music sounds richer, can really feel it, even from downstairs. She proceeded to sit with me and listen to PJ Harvey, Stereolab, Phronesis (jazz), and Lizzy Mercier Descloux. While listening to Havery's To Bring You My Love we heard details not evident before. The sound is full and details exposed. If you haven't heard it in your system, I highly recommend it.
While listening to Havery's To Bring You My Love we heard details not evident before. The sound is full and details exposed. If you haven't heard it in your system, I highly recommend it.
I have some comments: 1. I never called this REFERENCE, I reserve it for a future model that is somewhere in the pipeline.
2. As concerning the tubes, I tested EVERY existing new tube and every combination of the two, and I selected the best I could, so better dont change unless you have really interesting 83 NOS, or in place of 6N2P - the ECC88.
3. There is a stripped down but still very good MM2 coming soon, with solid state PSU but still very good sound for much less money than MM1.
4. The DHT is kinda impossible to make due to microphonics, and nobody wants that. So don't hold your breath.
Thank you for the nice comments so far.
(I use AT-ART1000 and extremely happy with it, waiting for Sikora which will be my 4th TT in da house.
ART 1000 has 0,2mv
As Lukasz is saying, this works fine with MC1.
I have ART7 too, which is a little too low in output (0,12mv)
to support the over-all gain of my set up, I prefer an external high gain step up and MM1 instead.
I'd be interested to know how other people's assessment of this phono stage may have changed over the last couple of months?
Thanks to Greg at Point Audio, the UK Lampizator distributor I've been lucky enough to be able to have an MC1 in my system for the last week and despite my strange collection of cartridges and indeed, in the context of WBF, unusual system I've been really impressed with it.
For the record my analogue system is: Garrard 401 with Stefano Bertoncello bronze platter, FR64fx tonearm, Emia silver and Entre SUT's and upgraded SJS Arcadia amplifiers (Model 1 Pre, Model 2 PSE 2A3 power amp and Simon's original, albeit modified, phono stage.) Speakers are Ocellia Calliope 30's. The cartridges used were a Fidelity Research MC-702, a totally rebuilt/modified Denon DL-103 (only the former and magnets remain), an Ortofon Kontrapunkt A, an Ortofon SPU Synergy and last but not least a Miyajima Zero B. I also have an Audio Note Io Ltd but didn't use that due to the ridiculously low output (0.05mV).
As a "demonstrator" the MC1 I have been using was configured for cartridges with "normal" output levels and sensible impedances. Whilst my cartridges don't particularly comply with that the MC1 did, in the main, work very well with them.
It was outstanding with both the MC-702 and the Synergy throwing an excellent soundstage with good dynamics. Bass was well controlled and no part of the tonal range was over emphasised. The ability to adjust loading "on the fly" with the front control was great and allowed subtle tailoring of the sound to suit individual tastes/systems.
The Miyajima Zero worked equally well though the Miyajima supplied mono/stereo adapters were necessary to prevent an earth hum. With the Zero the MC1 produced one of the best renditions of Louis' and Ella's voices I have heard when listening to Louis Armstrong Plays WC Handy.
The Kontrapunkt A similarly worked as well as I have heard it, I always find the bass on this cartridge to be somewhat "detached" from the rest of the spectrum and that was still the case here, the MC1 is very good but can't work magic!
Where the MC1 struggled was with the modified Denon DL-103 which has around 0.1mV output, perhaps slightly less. When I first started to play it I thought it was pretty good, however on comparison with my own phono stage and the Emia silver SUT the MC1 was lacking air and dynamics, however I am sure that this could be remedied if you were ordering the phono stage with cartridges of this level of output in mind. It was using this cartridge that made me decide not to try the Io Ltd.
Do I have any reservations, yes indeed I do. I would very much like two switchable phono inputs and also the ability to use MM/MI cartridges - I have both a Decca C4E and a Cartridge Man Music Maker III I like to use from time to time and at the moment I would have to copy Shakti's approach and have a second MM1 phono for these. However I do think that the MC1 does what it does really well and gives amazing flexibility for anyone who likes to try different MC cartridges without the need to match each one with a SUT.