Taiko Audio XDMS - Extreme Direct Music Server Software

Hi everyone, I have to say that the latest version installed by the good Ed sounds quite better, the sound is more relaxed and detailed.

Yes, I think so too. ‘The good Ed’ texted me at 10:30pm on Thursday evening to ask if he could install XDMS Setup 19 on my Extreme. I watched progress until we both checked out once he had set it to read my files. I had a quick look out of curiosity early next morning whilst still in bed and in he bounced at 5:30 am to continue the process.

I should be shocked, but I was actually only mildly surprised - though I mustn’t take such commitment to service for granted.
I installed Setup 19 a few days ago, and immediately found that it was another step towards a transparent, lifelike and three-dimensional sound.

But it was only today, when I went back to Roon for some discovery-mode Qobuz listening (Roon UX is unbeatable at that IMHO), that I realized once again how XDMS-NSM sounds better in my system.

Roon makes everything smoother and potentially friendlier, but also more veiled and flat.

For example, this recording of the poignant 8th Quartet via XDMS took life. Palpability and localization of the musicians are entirely on another level, transients are starker.


Being one of those who ordered the Olympus (XDMI), I fear that if the Olympus with Roon will be an upgrade over the Extreme with XDMS even vaguely correlated to the price difference between the two, I am going to explode when I receive it. Or is it a hope? :)
I installed Setup 19 a few days ago, and immediately found that it was another step towards a transparent, lifelike and three-dimensional sound.

But it was only today, when I went back to Roon for some discovery-mode Qobuz listening (Roon UX is unbeatable at that IMHO), that I realized once again how XDMS-NSM sounds better in my system.

Roon makes everything smoother and potentially friendlier, but also more veiled and flat.

For example, this recording of the poignant 8th Quartet via XDMS took life. Palpability and localization of the musicians are entirely on another level, transients are starker.

Being one of those who ordered the Olympus (XDMI), I fear that if the Olympus with Roon will be an upgrade over the Extreme with XDMS even vaguely correlated to the price difference between the two, I am going to explode when I receive it. Or is it a hope? :)
Word on the street is you're going to explode.
Saturday 6 28pm - @Taiko XDMS can I get SetUp17 installed, here is my Extreme's TV details...
Saturday 7 57pm - SetUp 19 installed

This is my first XDMS update since I got the NSM.

I am blown away by the SQ improvement from Setup19 - I can only guess what has changed, assuming major refactoring of Server & Player yielding yet again reduced system noise floor?

In my system I perceive:
  • More details and improved separation
  • Soundstage even wider and deeper
  • Improved rendering of low-bass yielding better body for all wood instruments
I highly recommend listening to this...https://open.qobuz.com/track/207401100

3 years after purchasing the Extreme - it's sound quality is still improving - bravo Team Taiko!
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I installed Test Flight 2 days go and it has been very problematic. At first, nothing worked but apparently it does not work unless you have XDMS 19 installed. Ed did that and almost everything works (I lost my XDMS playback files but Ed thinks that's recoverable). The major issue now is that the TaikoAudio network keeps shutting down spontaneously every few hours. I upgraded the firmware on my Orbi router but that does not seem to help. Does anyone else have Taiko network shut down issues?
Does the router software need to be re-installed? Other?
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I installed Test Flight 2 days go and it has been very problematic. At first, nothing worked but apparently it does not work unless you have XDMS 19 installed. Ed did that and almost everything works (I lost my XDMS playback files but Ed thinks that's recoverable). The major issue now is that the TaikoAudio networks keeps shutting down spontaneously every few hours. I upgraded the firmware on my Orbi router but that does not seem to help. Does anyone else have Taiko network shut down issues?
Does the router software need to be re-installed? Other?

What is shutting down, WiFi? Now sure what you mean by Taiko Audio networks.
TAIKO AUDIO WiFi never turns off itself in my house. Maybe you can try factory reset Extreme Router?
Hello folks! I seem not to be able to toggle switch from XDMS to Roon, nor to have Roon as default software. Can anyone provide advice on how to make it happen?
Many thanks, JN
Hello folks! I seem not to be able to toggle switch from XDMS to Roon, nor to have Roon as default software. Can anyone provide advice on how to make it happen?
Many thanks, JN
I have a similar issue. Do you have Setup 19 installed? I suspect it may be related to that if I understand Ed's explanation properly. I am in the process of getting Setup 19 installed.
I have a similar issue. Do you have Setup 19 installed? I suspect it may be related to that if I understand Ed's explanation properly. I am in the process of getting Setup 19 installed.
I have the same issue that Roon can't be set as startup default.. I'm running server 19 already...

Taiko support pls help
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