Artificial ambience


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
Is it possible for a system to inject airy artificial ambiance (or depth in the soundstage)? A question that came up regarding an Aries Cerat product.
Is it possible for a system to inject airy artificial ambiance (or depth in the soundstage)? A question that came up regarding an Aries Cerat product.
When you say air do you mean the reverbarent field in the recording venue... I suspect there are very few recordings that have an untampered ambience ... you can often here a lovely reverbarent decay on voice that is mysteriously missing on the instruments.
I can't imagine how gear could "add" this but it is certainly the case that it can reveal it.. or so it seems to me.. perhaps the distortion of tubes gives this impression.
The more detail retrieval and the better the clarity of the presentation, the more you hear.
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IMHO it’s possible but mostly because of room than audio gear.

There are very few stereo recordings, most of the music is recorded as dual channel mono. Some of the stage depth, dimension, long decay of notes etc are added by room reflections as you described as artificial ambiance. Best way to be sure about this is listening same tracks with a pair of headphones and doing a comparison with audio setup.

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