Wadax SACD Transport/Player?


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
Round Rock, Texas
Am I correct in assuming this is a transport or player from Wadax?


If so, very interesting.

Photo taken from the Bending Wave IG page.
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A better picture.

and yes, it's the new transport.

note the "extra" power supply in the picture above in the 1st post. 2 full chassis width power supplies are on the middle and bottom right side. one is for the transport, the other for the server.

in this case my preference is not for the stealth look all black color scheme. i prefer my chrome and black. but maybe in person it's great.

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A better picture.

and yes, it's the new transport.

note the "extra" power supply in the picture above in the 1st post. 2 full chassis width power supplies are on the middle and bottom right side. one is for the transport, the other for the server.

in this case my preference is not for the stealth look all black color scheme. i prefer my chrome and black. but maybe in person it's great.

View attachment 109566

Blip of interest is understandable even with your well established stance on silver discs.

Impressions, even under show conditions where a more tactile and visual level of reconnaissance are feasible, will be as highly interesting as they have been with all of the other Reference level hardware. :)
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Blip of interest is understandable even with your well established stance on silver discs.
how can we not pay attention to a $175k (+ depending on the DC cable choice) silver disc transport/power supply combo? blows my mind. not yet read any listening feedback, but you can bet i will. it's awesome that someone is doing this. not in the cards for me, or course.
Impressions, even under show conditions where a more tactile and visual level of reconnaissance are feasible, will be as highly interesting as they have been with all of the other Reference level hardware. :)
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Is that the price? Wadax certainly had some hardcore claims to justify the price of reference dac and server, I'd like to hear what's so special, different or unique about the ref transport.
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Is that the price? Wadax certainly had some hardcore claims to justify the price of reference dac and server, I'd like to hear what's so special, different or unique about the ref transport.
i've heard around $120k USD plus the optional power supply ($50k usd) plus choice of DC cables (up to $17k usd).

not heard it, and have no details on the tech, but i'm sure it's pretty awesome sounding. their previous transport at half the price did sound stellar. at this point not trying to justify the price. if i heard it then i would go there. OTOH i've made strong cases for the dac and server based on my experiences. so i do give Wadax the benefit of the doubt.

as the physical media silver disc alternative to cost no object uber vinyl playback it will have it's buyers.
Is there any information about this transport? Belt or ...?
The transport will be approx 110K. It can be used just like it is but there are also AKASA optical option for it and the DAC so it can be connected via thje same method as the server. THe optional server Power Supply can also be used as a optional add on to the transport as well as the reference AKASA power cables which can be used on the DAC, Server, and the upcoming transport.
The prices for the options are available the transport is an approx. as far as I know but I expect it to be close if not 110k.
Wadax started the delivery of its new reference (sa)cd transport a while back. Are there any WBF members who are willing to share their experiences with this new transport? In particular interested how the reference (sa)cd transport compares sonically to the Wadax reference server.

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