In search of the best rca cable

Thanks so much for sharing.

Thanks for your words, I am building new system which I like to keep for long time, so I can tune my system with cables knowing that it will stay that way for a while. I decided to go with Ansuz C2, I will also try their power cables C2, we will see if they replace very good Harmonix gold. Thank you guys for trying to help me with my dilema. " Music is the best"
Beautiful setup.
After while I found Ansuz C2 clold sounding a and less involving( can not find any negative features, maybe it just too clinical and emotionless)so I exchanged it for other cables Vovox Forte and Heavens Gate Extreme rca. I like Vovox Fortis, HG not bad but little bit less resolutiona and less neutral. I am now wondering about Stealth Sakra which I can buy for a good price in used market. Any thoughts?
Synergistic Research Atmosphere Series a great sounding cables, the bigger Level 2/3 amazing in Combination with the Grounding System.
Grounding block
Buy a Level 1 cable listen to it;)
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Stavo seguendo, interessato anche ad Ansuz,
ho solo un c1 come cavo digitale per la meccanica del cd.
ho intenzione di sostituire il cavo di segnale rca (Nordost TYR2). e il cavo distributore Nordost QB8 (Valhalla 1)
È sufficiente un c1 per un bel miglioramento? o meglio andare in c2? Grazie
I tried also Vovox Fortis, Heavens gate Ultimate extreme , Furutec Flux, now I have Kimber KS 1036 which are so far the best. I like to try Jorma Origo.
I tried also Vovox Fortis, Heavens gate Ultimate extreme , Furutec Flux, now I have Kimber KS 1036 which are so far the best. I like to try Jorma Origo.
You should try Black Cat Stargate cables.

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You may be pleasantly surprised to learn that it might be more productive to spend the big dollars elsewhere in your system.

LOL ....... Marty, you do realize we're talking 'audiophiles' here don't you ? Rational / Logical thinking rarely enters into the mix !
LOL ....... Marty, you do realize we're talking 'audiophiles' here don't you ? Rational / Logical thinking rarely enters into the mix !
Rational and logical thinking ALWAYS comes back suddenly when your wife says "what the hell did you buy now?"
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Ok guys, Jorma Origo XLR is at home. Never heard cable like this. It seems it just let components play freely without restrictions, sound is full, engaging, with high resolution, highs are not agressive, full adult sound with lots of emotions. I love it, so I just bought Jorma prime speaker cables, I am waiting for them to come. Jorma just overhelmed me with emotions, I could not believe what I heard, just amazing, the trebles to die for. But it is not cable for lover of dry sound neither for hunters of sounds
Even without the Cable Company i was able to borrow 4 sets of cables from dealers : Odeion Sigma, Cardas Clear Beyond, Kubala Sosna Sensation and Tellurium Q Statement.
@Zappadaddy. What are you driving your Westminsters with, and the DAC? I am replacing the Syn Res Element Copper RCA between my DAVE and Patios Heritage MKii hybrid integrated. Mostly Transparent Reference throughout but thinking Stealth Indra or a newer Syn Research.
@Zappadaddy. What are you driving your Westminsters with, and the DAC? I am replacing the Syn Res Element Copper RCA between my DAVE and Patios Heritage MKii hybrid integrated. Mostly Transparent Reference throughout but thinking Stealth Indra or a newer Syn Research.
I discovered incredible cables EP from Slovakia, I used to have Sakra, Kimber, Anzus etc but these are giant killers by pretty big margin. It depends on your taste if you like transparent and natrural sound or heavier and softer, I like the first option which is EP cables, pricewise it is also much better.
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I discovered incredible cables EP from Slovakia, I used to have Sakra, Kimber, Anzus etc but these are giant killers by pretty big margin. It depends on your taste if you like transparent and natrural sound or heavier and softer, I like the first option which is EP cables, pricewise it is also much better.
Not finding EP from Slovakia. Could you kindly give us a link? Thanks.
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