Rhapsody.Audio Listening Rooms

Rhapsody.Audio- Listening Rooms (RLRs)

Rhapsody.Audio would like to announce that within the next 3-4 months there will be multiple new locations where several of the product lines that Rhapsody.Audio represents will be available to audition via Rhapsody.Audio Listening Rooms (RLRs).

Initially, the RLR’s will have the products available for demonstration mentioned below. Upon opening, the DFW RLR will have a very similar product offering as that available at Rhapsody.Audio in Manhattan.

Over time, all locations will be expanding their portfolio to a comparable scale as that of NYC/DFW.

The RLRs will be available to host auditions by appointment. All product ordering and delivery logistics will be processed and supported from the Rhapsody.Audio NYC location.

Product assistance and installation will be supported by Rhapsody.Audio NYC along with the RLRs depending on customer location.

The RLR locations are:

Portland - Rhapsody.Audio RLR

Products available to audition (coming soon)




-Bayz Audio

Dallas/Fort Worth Rhapsody.Audio DFW

Products available to audition:



-Bayz Audio




-Taiko Audio


West Palm Beach & Miami (2 Florida locations) Rhapsody.Audio WPB/Miami

West Palm Beach will open initially. Miami will follow when the RLR is ready to host customers.

Products available to audition (initially):





Chicago, IL Rhapsody.Audio Chicago

Products available to audition (initially):





Long Island, NY Rhapsody.Audio Long Island



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TriodeLab 45 EVO integrated @ Rhapsody Out West. I’ve somehow managed to assemble the tube recipe with ingredients that have me completely gobsmacked. In the 6SN7 position now running a pair of Shuguang Black Treasure CV181-z, and the 12ax7s are some Bugle Boys from around late 1950s.

Currently driving the Diesis Roma SE, with solid core (15 awg) copper speaker cables and some budget interconnects. In my room is pure magic — and y’all are welcome to come hear it anytime. Its different of course from Alsyvox/Pilium, like a fine Pinot from Willamette valley is different from a fine Burgundy. Its all about flavor and tastes.

I’ll toss up a video shortly for those who groove on such things. :cool:
Rhapsody.Audio Installed a new Critical Mass Systems OLYMPUS rack, an Aurender N30, Torus RM 20 transform all to enhance the sculpturesque Goldmund GHIA active/wireless system.


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The customer has been my customer for 22 years. He has purchased Epilogue and Apologue from Rhapsody. During the last three years, Rhapsody did not represent GOLDMUND and during that time Goldmund did the swap out of the Apologues for the GHIA directly.

Now that Rhapsody is representing GOLDMUND again I have reunited with the customer. Going to install an SME 60 turntable with a Goldmund phono stage in a few months as well.

Ringo is an AMAZING Golden.
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Bob, are you a dealer for SME turntables? Have you heard the model 60? I have read very little about this new turntable and almost nothing on WBF about it. Thank you.
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Hi Peter,

Rhapsody is now a SME dealer. I have a 60 on order in blue;)
It should arrive in about 30 days from now. I have no experience with the table.
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Fabulous. Congratulations Bob. I look forward to reading about your impressions. For many years, I lived very happily with their former flagship the model 30/12.
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The customer has been my customer for 22 years. He has purchased Epilogue and Apologue from Rhapsody. During the last three years, Rhapsody did not represent GOLDMUND and during that time Goldmund did the swap out of the Apologues for the GHIA directly.

Now that Rhapsody is representing GOLDMUND again I have reunited with the customer. Going to install an SME 60 turntable with a Goldmund phono stage in a few months as well.

Ringo is an AMAZING Golden.
Hello Bob,
Would you happen to know if Goldmund currently have their own TT on the market, thank you.
Fabulous. Congratulations Bob. I look forward to reading about your impressions. For many years, I lived very happily with their former flagship the model 30/12.
Hello Peter,
I listened SME 30/12 for hundreds of hours and know it inside out. I also listened new SME 60. IMHO new 60 is much better than 30/12. It sounds more calm, grounded and pitch perfect to my ears. I think new motor and Crystal Cable wiring is mainly responsible for this improvement.
Hi, Goldmund no longer makes a TT. It’s been about 10 years now since they have offered a turntable.
I believe it's more >20 years since Goldmund has manufactured a turntable. I purchased a last batch Goldmund Studio TT and it is still in use. Are there better tables - yes, but with an AMG arm and DS Audio cartridge - it still makes music.
Not quite 20 years. Yes for the Studio II it was 20 years but Goldmund still produced the Reference II (limited production) in production until around 2012.


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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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