Five favorite tweaks

Mine is cheaper ! :D :D :D
Cable risers are a waste unless your floors are a wood subfloor with carpet. I engineered hardwood over a concrete slab,
The Dielectric Constant of air = 1. Wood can vary from just over 1 to 4, depending on grain direction and (greatly) on moisture content.

I seriously doubt that engineered hardwood contains/retains any moisture, hence: no more change than lifting a cable into the air.

Most carpeting consists of materials with horrible Constants.

When your cable's lying on a material with a high Dielectric Constant; that's being added to that of the cable's insulation, changing the 'C' in the RLC, over whatever length.

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Cable risers are a waste unless your floors are a wood subfloor with carpet. I engineered hardwood over a concrete slab,
The Dielectric Constant of air = 1. Wood can vary from just over 1 to 4, depending on grain direction and (greatly) on moisture content.

I seriously doubt that engineered hardwood contains/retains any moisture, hence: no more change than lifting a cable into the air.

Most carpeting consists of materials with horrible Constants.

When your cable's lying on a material with a high Dielectric Constant; that's being added to that of the cable's insulation, changing the 'C' in the RLC, over whatever length.

Thanks for the advice and insight. It does make sense, especially that many rooms have some sort of carpets.
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Thanks for the advice and insight. It does make sense, especially that many rooms have some sort of carpets.
I still use cable lifters just that it makes it easier to Swiffer the floor. ;) If I had wall to wall carpet I would with out a doubt use cable lifters.
Looks nice, just not sure about the Medical Grade adapters as this simply means that it is made of corrosive resistant materials and those are usually not good conductors for electrical current.
Looks nice, just not sure about the Medical Grade adapters as this simply means that it is made of corrosive resistant materials and those are usually not good conductors for electrical current.

No that is not the case. It means that it is approved for medical use.

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Here is from personal experience and research:

When I installed my 5 dedicated lines in my listening space I did an experiment. Installed a Leviton 8300-R 20 Amp, Hospital Grade. Installed a standard HD .99 cent outlet, installed Monosaudio 20 Amp Audio outlet, installed Cardas 4181 and a Audioquest NRG Edison Duplex.

Zero difference after 90 days and swapping from outlet to outlet, amps and integrated Zip, Zero, Notta. so buy the .99 cent outlet works as well as the $200.00 one. Electricity has no sound, interference on your lines will have an impact but these outlets do nothing to filter noise.

BTW the Cardas and the Monosaudio look a lot alike.

Electricians do recommend replacing receptacles as the get old, baggy (lose clamp force) and the plastics can crack. Copper or copper plated silver are your best conductors for outlets. Hospital grade often uses is rhodium

Is Rhodium more conductive than silver?
Rhodium is a precious metal from the platinum family. It is hard, acid-resistant, and has a very high melting point (1964°C). Compared to other platinum metals, it is a very good conductor, but still only half as good as gold and just one third as good as silver and only 50% of Copper.

Thank you sir. Will give them a shot.
I have 2 sets of Firewalls for Speaker that I have configured for internal bi-wiring. However, in anticipation of a single pair of LL entropic speaker cables I have configured 8 Firewalls in series (4 per speaker), as well as 2 pairs of custom LL entropic jumpers resulting in even more of a good thing.

Also own 2 640x entropic power modules in series just before my integrated amp. They are connected via newly released (or should I say unleashed) LessLoss Stellar PC which originates from power conditional/distributor. Very nice bump in dynamics!

Next up, I will be configuring a LL Stellar PC from dedicated wall outlet to power conditioner/distributor.
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I have 2 sets of Firewalls for Speaker that I have configured for internal bi-wiring. However, in anticipation of a single pair of LL entropic speaker cables I have configured 8 Firewalls in series (4 per speaker), as well as 2 pairs of custom LL entropic jumpers resulting in even more of a good thing.

Also own 2 640x entropic power modules in series just before my integrated amp. They are connected via newly released (or should I say unleashed) LessLoss Stellar PC which originates from power conditional/distributor. Very nice bump in dynamics!

Next up, I will be configuring a LL Stellar PC from dedicated wall outlet to power conditioner/distributor.
Have you listened to the Stellar PC? Compared it to the original CMARC Entropic PC?
Have you listened to the Stellar PC? Compared it to the original CMARC Entropic PC?
In addition, I would say this about the LessLoss gear I have now. Every piece of LL gear is cumulative, adding up to a more natural, relaxed presentaion.

As a streamer, the music seems more accessible, consequently the connection to it is more emotional. The background became quieter still, revealing even more detail than before. Yet the dynamics, transients, attack & decay, tight punchy bass are all there in spades.

Perhaps the biggest change for the better is, I find myself sitting back and listening to the music rather than the system itself.

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In addition, I would say this about the LessLoss gear I have now. Every piece of LL gear is cumulative, adding up to a more natural, relaxed presentaion.

As a streamer, the music seems more accessible, consequently the connection to it is more emotional. The background became quieter still, revealing even more detail than before. Yet the dynamics, transients, attack & decay, tight punchy bass are all there in spades.

Perhaps the biggest change for the better is, I find myself sitting back and listening to the music rather than the system itself.

And yes, your question about how the LL Stellar PC's performance compares to the LL Classic Entropic can be answered this way. It's very obvious & very appealing.

While the Classic Entropic is a fantastic power cord that punches well above its price & weight, the Stellar PC builds on all of the Classic E's attributes in a big way, bringing the listener even closer to the music.

While the power cords I replaced have numerous attributes & could be anyone's end game, the newly released LessLoss Stellar Power Cord really gets the party is going. The bump in overall clarity is the first thing that struck me, especially at lower volume. The fact that the Stellar sounded "just right" drew me in even deeper.

While not inexpensive, the Stellar PC delivers all this & more at a price point lower than the $$$ cables they replaced.

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1) Neodio Audio Acoustic Purifier Origine B2
2) Lessloss Firewall for Speakers
3) Puron AC Line Conditioner
4) Shunyata Defender
5) Home made riser for speaker cables

If you consider supertweeters a tweak than I'd put Taket Live and Batpro 2 supertweeters at the top of my list
Thanks for the great list. Can you elaborate a bit on your findings with Origine B2, how you're using it, what did it replace (if any), and what the effects are?
Thanks for the great list. Can you elaborate a bit on your findings with Origine B2, how you're using it, what did it replace (if any), and what the effects are?

I use the Origine B2's in my main system under both of my integrated amps (2 placed in the rear , 1 placed in the front at the center) . I have a Neodio Origine S2 CD player in the same system and the B2s come integrated into its chasis. I also use the original B1's in my second system 1 set of three under my integrated amp, 1 set under my DAC.The B2s & B1s replaced a set of Daedalus Audio Isolation Devices, and multiple sets of Isoacoustics Orea isolation pucks. I don't use the B2s under my preamp or power amp as their chassis are the same length as the shelves they are on and the B2s need to have a small portion of each reside beyond the edge of the chassis. I found the sound became somewhat richer, and has more body and resolution with either the B2s and the original B1s versus the prior isolation devices I was using.

There is a Roy Gregory review of the B2s in which he experiments with placement with one on top of a component and he found a benefit. I tried one on the corner top of a preamp and could not decern any change in SQ. Also, both in his review, and I believe Neodio in shows have placed B2s on the top of speaker cabinets and on the floor in front of them. I tried this in both of my systems and again could not replicate the benefits they noted. But, as I noted above, I definitelly found them benefical under the components I mentioned. One last thing, again with my system and ears, I found the improvement of the B2s vs the B1s to be about 5%. I don't recall exactly but I think Roy cited a larger improvement. Regardless, if I have further need for isolation devices under components I would definitely purchase another set of B2s (B1s are no longer available) as they are effective. As with everything else YMMV.
In no particular order,

PWB Silver Foil
Mpingo disc
Walker Demag/Destatic
Golden Sound Super DH (Diamond Hardness) Cones
Graphene contact enhancer (Perfect Path?)
Home freezer “quasi cryo” CDs, cables, etc. (48 hrs)
Schumann frequency (acoustic version) via YouTube/iPad
3M Super 88 tape on CD (disc stabilizer), 3 strips radially
Establish correct direction of interconnects, speaker cables and of course fuses.
Green Pen
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Going to add to my prior list. STACK AUDIO AUVA 100s which replaced spikes and Dadelus isolation feet for my Daedalus Argos V2 speakers, and STACK AUDIO EQS one set placed under the Modwright LA100 preamp in my main system, and a set under the SimAudio 260DT transport in my 2nd system. Those replaced a setbof IsoAcustic bronze and VooDoo isolpucks. To my ears the STACK products provide SQ benefits at surprising price to performance
1. SR Active Ground Block & Tranquility Pods
2. Stack Audio Auva EQ (haven't tried the speaker models yet, but looking forward to it)
3. Fuses (SR Master & Purple for now)
4. Furutech Nano Liquid
5. Carbon fiber shielding on digital components, AC & DC cables

Honorable mentions to 3M EMI absorber sheets & QSA Gemstones. I'm sure I'm forgetting others. Does cap rolling count?

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