Anyone swapped on a RONT II the GZ34 tube (original or an upgraded one) with the new SS Gz34 and can share some thoughts ?

this looks good. comes with a lot of tonearm platforms, that if you don't require you can sell off and buy the tube supply instead and an arm.
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this looks good. comes with a lot of tonearm platforms, that if you don't require you can sell off and buy the tubes supply instead and an arm.
He is actually selling the tube supply separately.
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Did anyone bought this tube and compared to a tube GZ34 either stock or NOS ?
Did anyone bought this tube and compared to a tube GZ34 either stock or NOS ?

There are many references in this thread. Please do a search
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I'm considering the purchase of a Bardo with the RoNt III. Is there any issue with placing the RoNt III next to the Bardo on the side furthest from the tonearm? I'm trying to keep everything on the same shelf if possible.
I'm considering the purchase of a Bardo with the RoNt III. Is there any issue with placing the RoNt III next to the Bardo on the side furthest from the tonearm? I'm trying to keep everything on the same shelf if possible.

The system is sensitive to placement. I've an Oasis (Bardo in plinth) and initially wanted to place my RoNt II underneath with only a this shelf between, got very bad hum. Moved it to the side and a shelf below on the side further from the tonearm and no problem.

Can't remember ever seeing a RoNt on the same level as the TT in a system I've heard, that includes Brinkmann setups at shows.

Hard to say how it would work in your implementation. Would reach out to Brinkmann, they're helpful and usually quick to respond.
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The system is sensitive to placement. I've an Oasis (Bardo in plinth) and initially wanted to place my RoNt II underneath with only a this shelf between, got very bad hum. Moved it to the side and a shelf below on the side further from the tonearm and no problem.

Can't remember ever seeing a RoNt on the same level as the TT in a system I've heard, that includes Brinkmann setups at shows.

Hard to say how it would work in your implementation. Would reach out to Brinkmann, they're helpful and usually quick to respond.
Thanks for that info. It aligns with what Brinkmann recommended this morning. I’ll need to see about moving the power supply to the side of my racks.
Can anyone confirm if the Brinkmann ground connection at the back of the turntable (Taurus in this case) is a standard size banana plug connection? Thanks in advance!
I have a RöNt I and notice that the solid state power supply is faster at the same motor setting than the RöNt - 33.33 vs. 33.25 and I have to adjust the motor when I use the RöNt. Anyone else notice that?
I'm considering the purchase of a Bardo with the RoNt III. Is there any issue with placing the RoNt III next to the Bardo on the side furthest from the tonearm? I'm trying to keep everything on the same shelf if possible.
I have a mint condition Bardo with the RoNT II (and the AZ tube from the III) that I am reluctantly selling.
Glass platter and screw down clamp included.
Just in case you were still looking for one…
Can also include the SME V12 arm, which I have mounted on the Bardo.
I absolutely love the Bardo with V12 and RoNT!

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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