Magnum Dynalab Models Comparison

Ron Resnick

Site Co-Owner, Administrator
Jan 24, 2015
Beverly Hills, CA
I am thinking about upgrading my Magnum Dynalab MD100 to a

-- MD90T SE or
-- MD90T SE with MD105 audio or
-- MD105T

Has anyone directly compared these models in a familiar system? How big a jump in sound quality comes with each step up?

Thank you.
I am thinking about upgrading my Magnum Dynalab MD100 to a

-- MD90T SE or
-- MD90T SE with MD105 audio or
-- MD105T

Has anyone directly compared these models in a familiar system? How big a jump in sound quality comes with each step up?

Thank you.
I have a MD90t(unbalanced connection)and it sounds fantastic. I purchased it in 2011 I think. I had considered a few years ago to also purchase a MD107t or a MD108t but never got around to it. I'm quite satisfied with the sonics from my MD90t.

I listen to a lot of radio and have several tuners by McIntosh: MR75, MR78, & a MR7083. I also have a ReVox B780 receiver for analog tape playback and for FM radio. All produce excellent sound.

Moving to the MD90t from your MD100 would be a noticeable and worthwhile improvement. I've not listened to the MD105t however.

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