Thanks for your explanation, Charles. I see you state you're willing to learn - that's great, we all are, no one knows everything and I believe that's a big reason why we're all here. It's hard to go and hear / see the many components so having consolidated input on this forum is a great tool and can be fun too.
Specific to amplifiers, I would recommend being open to all topologies as they've all come a long way from the stereotypes like, Class A is best, Class D sounds thin and non - musical, etc. For example, you mentioned CH Precision M10 which is Class A/B. It's one of the finest amps I've heard with a tonality closer to neutral and with very natural timbre (in a good way) versus Gryphon, which are a dark, bottoms - up amp yet as you said, are Class A.
Last comment - I see you value RH's opinion, he certainly has much experience but if I may - it's one person's opinion, most importantly not yours. If there's one thing I've learned it's - take everyone's opinion with a grain or three of salt. Everyone means well, but everyone has different taste, and different ears. Happy Listening!
Thanks a lot Steve. If I could have any amp that I wanted, it would be an M10. So you see, even if I haven't heard hardly anything, the M10 sticks out at me as being the one that I would want, if I could have my dream amplification. Robert is a good friend and so of course I value his opinion highly. But he's just a very knowledgeable pro, just like you guys. I understand that now.
I want to say a word about McIntosh. I grew up with McIntosh. My father loved what is now the old vintage gear. I think that I have a deep understanding of McIntosh of what it represents and it most definitely is
not in the same class as the gear discussed on WBF. But I have a budget. I believe, again rightly or wrongly, that power (light pole, fuse box, 20 amp lines, cords, conditioners, IC's, etc.) and speakers are more important than what's in-between, meaning sources, preamps, and amps, if I
must choose. Power and speakers are where I have chosen to spend my dollars. Also isolation gear and passive room treatments.
I think that you would be pleased at just how good my 3500's and 2.1KW can be
made to sound. I think you would be pleased at how good my MCD12000 and C-12000 can be
made to sound, all working together in synergy, all for about 108K, the cost of about
one M10. But this is with the very best power and speaker that I can afford. I know how to get the very best out of McIntosh but I'm under no illusions. But you spend your dollars where you think that they will do the most good. I have achieved to my ears a highly resolving
beautiful sound. I'm
totally satisfied with my system, which is quite unusual in the high end.
I waited for nearly 20 years for an updated MC2KW. The MC3500 is one of the very few tube amps that will actually produce 500 watts continuous at 2-ohms, according to McIntosh. It has an FTC power rating of 350 watts at 2, 4, and 8 ohms and I can attest to the fact that it will easily pump out 350 watts
continuous, because I listen to live performances frequently. It has a great robust beautiful highly dynamic sound to my ears through my XVX. I love the tube sound that I have achieved through my XVX. To my ears it's simply beautiful. Highly resolving and the tube coloration is always noticeable and very pleasing to my ears. Classical music is especially wonderful. I'm all tube from source to speaker.
All the Best,