Gryphon Mephisto Versus Gryphon Apex

I've spoken to Jay about Gryphon amps before. He hears/values attributes very differently than I do so I personally don't go by his opinions. Just my opinion.The Mephisto,to me, is a dry sounding amp with tremendous grip. It's a tool with a very specific purpose. For me the Evo, which is a newer generation, is a more natural sounding amplifier with better body and soul. Definitely not "dark" as some refer. Harleys review, I think, captures it well. I have not heard the Apex yet but will get to hear the monos soon. My friends say they are everything you could want in an amp. Hugely powerful. I'll let you know. They have Mephisto monos on Orions and Apex monos on XVX. They also have D'Agostino relentless on Lyra. It's going to be fun but I won't get there for a month or so.
Having owned Gryphon Reference One Monoblocks, Antileon signature Stereo, Evo Stereo, and Mephisto Stereo for my subjective opinion the Mephisto reigns supreme. All amps were good but for me the Evo was the best until it was replaced by the Mephisto which bested it on every level.
A friend preferred the Evo, being a little warmer in his system but he had that taste profile in general. I wouldn't call the Evo "dark" but it is not as neutral as the Mephisto which gets out of the way of the music and renders bass with effortless ease and articulation. Its an effortless authority rendering very natural and realistic bass, not imposing but rather musically visceral. Mids and highs are also superb
I have not auditioned Apex
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