Swiss Digital Fuse Box Anyone?

Horses for courses! I just like to quickly get to the best sound so I can enjoy it!

I’d love to hear your method for getting to the end state of burn in faster.
I’d love to hear your method for getting to the end state of burn in faster.
Yep sure that needs to happen, if you wanted to speed it up use a frybaby3....
Yep sure that needs to happen, if you wanted to speed it up use a frybaby3....

Interesting. Does it take AC cords? Not obvious from the photos or manual. If not, then how relevant to the SDFB?
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what in the hardware of the SDFB prevents it from being amperage user selectable? Would it be possible to introduce a design in which users can switch amp rating, maybe with a button on the box? Would the sluggos need to change? Or is it already possible and Im missing it in the lines?
I would see a lot of value and buying reassurance if, say I dont like it on my amp, or sell it and the new one is another rating, I could use it somewhere else..
what in the hardware of the SDFB prevents it from being amperage user selectable? Would it be possible to introduce a design in which users can switch amp rating, maybe with a button on the box? Would the sluggos need to change? Or is it already possible and Im missing it in the lines?
I would see a lot of value and buying reassurance if, say I dont like it on my amp, or sell it and the new one is another rating, I could use it somewhere else..
From my understanding, it is a microprocessor controlled relay and hence the processor needs reprogramming back at base to have different current settings. Sluggos are just solid conductors and remain unchanged
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tks! that is excatly what I understood as well, but them, what is preventing that reprogramming from being done - maybe at some added risk of course - at the click of a switch, or even with some online interface (of course that would mean adding ethernet port, maybe redesigning the whole box, etc.. Maybe a second , more expensive version could feat that? Still could be worthwhile.
Maybe that is a question for the designer, idk
what in the hardware of the SDFB prevents it from being amperage user selectable? Would it be possible to introduce a design in which users can switch amp rating, maybe with a button on the box? Would the sluggos need to change? Or is it already possible and Im missing it in the lines?
I would see a lot of value and buying reassurance if, say I dont like it on my amp, or sell it and the new one is another rating, I could use it somewhere else..
We re-program for free on the first go around - after that, $25 dollars.

Thanks - Mark
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