@Bodhi, the tests he did with the new series, although previously he also owned 1060. He made some comparisons with different pramp and probably the Boulder preamplifier did not enter his heart, in fact in the end he chose Koda K-10 .
It also sounded strange to me, so I wanted to write and listen to other opinions of those who have experience with this brand; in the end it is always about personal tastes, and I think that even with 1160 + 1110 I could listen in an optimal way.
Here, You talked about tubes mix with Boulder: as written before, I owned Convergent (SL1 + JL2), although with my BB5i monitors I used most frequently my Bryston solid-state amplification, more suited to big PMC loudspeakers. Now I've basically replaced both Convergent and Bryston (except LS1 preamps) with the new 1160, and my first goal is to eliminate tube electronics. It may be that the choice made in the direction of the Koda preamp is due to what You said about '' tube mix '', because I read from many parts that sound of the K-10 has many affinities with the tube while being a solid state.
I understood your CH speech perfectly, and I do not want to start thinking about a CH amplifier while my 1160 is still traveling from the USA

I should not write such long posts with my bad English (sorry), moreover, it takes me hours to write 10 lines