A Man Called Otto

steve williams

Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator

Ive always been a huge Tom Hanks fan yet for some reason the trailers didn't really grab me. My wife read the book and dragged me with to see the movie. Walking out, I thanked her for shlepping me along. This is yet another Tom Hanks at his very finest as he has been nominated in most of the major film awards so far for his portrayal.Rated at 97% on Rotten Tomatoes although critic awards have been a bit less flattering

Very enjoyable for a matinee running at 2 hours and 7 minutes and classified as a comedic drama

One most noted thing was Tom Hanks seems to have shed a lot of weight . I haven't seen him this thin since his role in Philadelphia
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I am a Tom Hanks fan too, but he hasn't made good movies for a while. Will try this out. Recently in an interview he said he thinks he has made 2 or 3 great movies, or something like that. I guess Big, Forrest Gump.
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Before we can see the film with Tom Hanks may I recommend the former version? One of my favourite Scandinavian movies

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I am a Tom Hans fan too, but he hasn't made good movies for a while. Will try this out. Recently in an interview he said he thinks he has made 2 or 3 great movies, or something like that. I guess Big, Forrest Gump.
'Forrest Gump
Private Ryan
quickly come to mind
'Forrest Gump
Private Ryan
quickly come to mind

Splash and Philadeplhia are good, Private Ryan is one of the worst movies of the 90s.
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