Any updates on the ASR in your system?
How does the addition match with your Zellaton's?
Tunes, so far so good. Very good, actually. I will confess to have not listened critically all that much while it is breaking in. For the most part over the last few weeks, I've simply left the system playing music to allow for break-in. But I have had a few listening sessions and have some initial impressions. First, the bass is absolutely incredible. As you have seen in the pictures, I have a tiny listening room, but the Grands, despite their size, do not overwhelm it. The bass on my prior speakers sounded bloated and one dimensional. Those speakers were lush and warm, but the bass would simply drown everything else out. The bass on the Grands is anything but. It is tight, extremely articulate, and, when the notes are low enough, something that you feel more than you might hear. They are nothing like any speaker I've had before.
The highs on the Zellatons really sizzle. They are crisp and clear without being brittle or bright.
As for the mids, I don't think I have quite enough time to easily evaluate them. They have not yet come into full bloom, but from what I understand about the ASR, it usually takes a while for that to happen. It comes last.
At this point, I can't really weigh in on soundstage and imaging. Those are things that need further tweaking in terms of speaker placement, etc. that I've not toyed with during break in (and, to be truthful, those aspects are less important to me than the emotion and musicality of the system).
I'm really looking forward to where this system combo leads me. It has been a great ride so far. Stay tuned.