Continuing from Steve's visit, detailed here, after leaving Sam's, on the way back we made a short stop at Philip O Hanlon's.
I have heard the Vivid Giya G1 on two occasions perviously. Once with the Ypsilon Aelius 200w hybrids, then at Joel's in France where we compared the Ypsilon Aelius with the Luxman M800 bridged monos (both with Coincident linestage). I have heard the G2 at Munich with CH precision electronics, and the G4 with Spectral DMA 360 .
The CH was at a show, so I can't comment much, but after ABing with the Ypsilon, I thought the Luxman M800 were excellent on all fronts. They drove the Vivid's effortlessly. I was therefore excited to see that at Phillip's he had the Luxman 1000's in a bridged fashion. His room is ginormous, over 40 feet length and height.
Interestingly in such a room the G1s are set up near one wall in a nearfield listening space with glass behind the listener's head. Yet the room was pressurized with no problems, and there was no slap echo from the glass. The Vivid's have one of the best tones I have heard, full and rich, and listening to the Luxman on the vivid's has made it one of my favorite solid state amps. Vivids can do both rock and classical equally well, as they have superlative slam and bass with no integration or crossover issues. The mid bass for brass and baritone vocals is probably the best I have heard. Violins have a rich tone, there seems to be no unnecessary harshness or irritation, and the forward soundstage is excellent.
In one of the rooms I had heard the G1 interacting a lot with the room, and thought it needs to be pulled way out from the sides and the front, but Philip has one of his speakers right up against his stairs and there were no issues. The speakers can play loud, slam, perfect bass integration, with full rich body tone. Nothing more that one would want sonically, just check them in your room to see if they work and that should be it. If I were to get Vivids, I would get Luxmans. I will seriously audition the M800 or 900 on most speakers, including ribbon planars. They are stable down to 1 or 2 ohms, and while the M800 is 60w * 8ohm, once bridged it goes up to 240 * 4ohm. The M900 is even more powerful. Very well engineered.
One frustrating thing was that I saw there was a pair of Classic Audio Tad horns in the corner but not set up, so it was a missed chance to listen to another set of classic speakers.