Abbas dac 2.1 se

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Nice to hear David I had a mutual friend here last night playing with my speakers as he does and some room treatment also to great effect. We had a lot of fun and the system sounding really terrific.

@Nuforce your welcome for a listen but its a long way:(
It really was terrific! That Thoress gear was on fire (not literally, figuratively). :)
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Tubes in use:
- 1x 5U4G Mullard, NOS
- 2x 6080 G.E.C. NOS UK NOS-NIB blackplate
- 1x E88CC Telefunken (Diamond Bottom ULM NOS)

Sound impression after 300h?
- Clarity, depth, sound stage... really, really impressive, I wouldn't say way better than my 3.2SE TDA1541a, but I love the PCM63K-J more
(okay, biased because love my amazing vintage chip already in my Pioneer Elite PD93 CD)
- Classic and Jazz I even prefer over my Grimm Audio MU2 (not kidding, still MU2 is a crazy-fantastic product, best in his class!)
- Abbas is a grandmaster of "music authenticity" I have to say, yes it is not crazy resolving and adding stuff as many fancy hybrid/FPGA DAC these days!
- I'm really sorry for my Grimm Audio MU2, less in use right next to the Hermes :D
- Did some comparison in my other chain with Holo May KTE, Abbas 3.2SE and Abbas Hermes
- Winner: Hermes, but 3.2SE close
- May KTE: still a good R2R but plays way better when you use USB or I2S, else way underperforming and having the usual too much "warmth", was many liked in the beginning of Holo


- Wolfson 8804 he uses (AES/EBU I forced him I want) produces clicks, when title resolution is changing (e.g. 44.1khz to 88.2). He knows the issue and working on a fix...but doesn't bother me, because usually I listen to my CD transport with the Abbas HermesDAC

Hi Gerald,
Just watched your Utube ( ) unpacking video. The images showing build quality are terrific thankyou. I only wish google translate would do audio translate on the fly. I am sure there is a work around?

I note that there looks like no room for the big bottle 6AS7 near those hand made caps. A small trade of if any and the GE 6080 are very nice tube.

Understanding that all the tubes matter and the combination of just as important. It looks like you have nailed it but curious as you journey with the Hermes progresses if you roll some through would be curious of your impressions.
Regards Stephen
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I only wish google translate would do audio translate on the fly. I am sure there is a work around?
Youtube has google audio translating built in! Turn on CC (closed captioning). Click the gears (settings) icon. Turn on auto-translate and select your language.

Youtube has google audio translating built in! Turn on CC (closed captioning). Click the gears (settings) icon. Turn on auto-translate and select your language.

View attachment 144334
Awesome! Thank you. I didn't know this feature was available. Now to re-watch with English subtitles about 500 foreign language Youtube videos!
Youtube has google audio translating built in! Turn on CC (closed captioning). Click the gears (settings) icon. Turn on auto-translate and select your language.

Very Cool thank you
I used a copy of Google meet that had live closed captioning and live auto-translate -- all done in real time during the meeting, and with basically error free translation (phrase to phrase, not word to word). That was between English and Spanish, so who knows how good the other languages are, but I was honestly floored. So much processing and it was all happening live. A brave new world we live in.
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Well there is a couple of ways of achieving this, one is visiting someone with an Abbas DAC, there are several with 6080 output stages which could help to broaden the search, the other is spending the USD$8.6k plus extras and shipping and finding out! This is what most of us have done here on this extensive thread.

There could be someone in a radius of a few thousand mile/kilometers or less that may oblige you with a listen. The travel would be worth the experience IMO. If you want to audition it in your system you will need a very good friend, and someone curious about how their DAC might sound in a different system. I have been up for this on the odd occasion fortunately they live close by.

There is much enthusiasm on other threads for Lampizator so this could satisy you? If I was to go down this path however I would look at the Horizon. :) If money allowed that is but even then am not so sure (I would need to have a good listen first, anyone?).

I must agree with Gerald on the below

I like Abbas's approach to getting the best from each chip, the strength of each and provides insight into these but he is non-committal at the signature level of build regarding which model to go for. This can be confusing perhaps along with the lack of marketing, reviews etc if that is what you want.

The build quality along with his unique approach IMO defies any direct comparisons to similar commercial product in cost to either the larger format half width SE, or signature versions. The closest comparisons that I am aware of I am not interested in as they are more commercial and so would anticipate more expense for less.

In defense of the less expensive half width models I have heard them with my own ears and they can perform to a very high level where the differing sound qualities of the PCM58 and the TDA1541 are evident and become a matter of taste and system synergy. The smaller DAC's are less expensive and require some good tubes and a resolving system for them to shine. Even then they may not apeal to everyone. All of this has been said before!!

I haven't heard any other of Abbas's DAC's and wonder if this comparison of DAC chip sound is as evident in the larger format? I think the difference will be much more subtle as Gerald's observations and Abbas's words suggest.

The large format is a big step up (and in price also), the sound signature is still Abbas and gives you just more of everything that the Maestro can get from the DAC at the price and model you order. I am still yet to explore the PCM63 which has me guessing thanks to Gerald:) but will have to wait for a Psyche adventure first.

There are several substantial contributors on this thread that all have very different systems with the exception of them owning an Abbas DAC and the pursuit and enjoyment of music. Their opinions are generously shared and have certainly influenced my choices so Thank you all. The enthusiasm of owners has generally led them to purchasing more than 1 Abbas DAC.
Review enough I think for me anyway!!

Thanks for the update Gerald the system is looking amazing. Do you mean last investment in digital chain ever?
That Good !!!:)
I confirm half size models can sound very special. I have enjoyed for two years 2.4SE+ (the "+" may indicate "Signature", not sure) with rewound main "GD" transformer, one or two more Black Gate capacitors, and large shaped 5V4 rectifier tube. I find rectifiers can make a startling difference to the scale, dynamics and general presence of sound, in my SET, and so here too. With a rebuilt Sparkler CD drive, sound is magical. I sometimes wonder much more could a large format ABBAS DAC give ? (chip type flavours aside). I just don't feel the need to find out, nor do I have the space. This DAC sits alongside a shoebox size ABBAS RIAA, which, with rewound GD transformer and hand made capacitors, also sounds magical, full of life and space. Preferring vinyl, I do have a large format "Hephaestus" RIAA on order. That will be interesting to hear.

Abbas equipment is not ephemeral "product", to be tossed out for new flavours on a whim. They are hand crafted instruments that you commission, as if from a violin maker. Abbas is a classically trained musician and he writes of the principles and crafting of his devices, as if he lived in Cremona, not Kyiv. Have a think of the pre-industrial and C20th century history of Kyiv. Many layers there. Sikorsky and so many others came from there, more (military) electrical industry, and not least, the Music Academy, where the Soviets took C.P.E Bach scores from Germany for "safekeeping" around 1945 !


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I confirm half size models can sound very special. I have enjoyed for two years 2.4SE+ (the "+" may indicate "Signature", not sure) with rewound main "GD" transformer, one or two more Black Gate capacitors, and large shaped 5V4 rectifier tube. I find rectifiers can make a startling difference to the scale, dynamics and general presence of sound, in my SET, and so here too. With a rebuilt Sparkler CD drive, sound is magical. I sometimes wonder much more could a large format ABBAS DAC give ? (chip type flavours aside). I just don't feel the need to find out, nor do I have the space. This DAC sits alongside a shoebox size ABBAS RIAA, which, with rewound GD transformer and hand made capacitors, also sounds magical, full of life and space. Preferring vinyl, I do have a large format "Hephaestus" RIAA on order. That will be interesting to hear.

Abbas equipment is not ephemeral "product", to be tossed out for new flavours on a whim. They are hand crafted instruments that you commission, as if from a violin maker. Abbas is a classically trained musician and he writes of the principles and crafting of his devices, as if he lived in Cremona, not Kyiv. Have a think of the pre-industrial and C20th century history of Kyiv. Many layers there. Sikorsky and so many others came from there, more (military) electrical industry, and not least, the Music Academy, where the Soviets took C.P.E Bach scores from Germany for "safekeeping" around 1945 !
What's the tinfoil for?
Hi all, just found this thread and didn't know Abbas has this many passionate fans. I have a Dac 2.0 and SPDIF converter, brought 10-15 years ago off of ebay, with a few upgrades. I'm probably one of the oldest Abbas gear heads. Today was the first time I opened the Dac 2.0 case just to confirm that TDA1541A single crown was present. Before the 2.0, I had a Benchmark and Marantz Project D-1 dac. Comparing the Marantz with the 2.0, they sounded the same to me. The Benchmark was not in the same league. So I sold the Marantz many years ago. The Marantz is an engineering marvel and sought after, the OG of dacs. I love my 2.0 and happy to be here.


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I opened the Dac 2.0 case just to confirm that TDA1541A single crown was present

Thanks for the pics, what tubes are you running in the 2.0 ?
10-15 years, while the lids off I'd be curious to try some other of tubes:)
Thanks for the pics, what tubes are you running in the 2.0 ?
10-15 years, while the lids off I'd be curious to try some other of tubes:)I
I'm just using the tubes Mr. Abbas supplied. I don't even know what tubes are in there. Do you have any recommendations?
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In some respects "if it ain,t broke dont fix it."

But if you have been using it heavily in those 10-15 years it would be good to have some spares on hand or others to try.
On more recent models the tube designation is printed on the circuit board close to the socket that the tube is inserted into, but better to check with the actual tube in use.
Some close up pics of the tubes may reveal branding and type or gently removing them to get a better view. If you are familiar with tube gear this will be easy. If not turn the DAC off remove the plug and consult some online tutorial.

I dont own a 2.* series DAC, I went from a 4.1SE (PCM58) to a 3.2SE (TDA1541) so would be guessing on the tubes in yours. They could be CV4005 6X4, 6x5g cv572, 5687 and or soviet variants. Could be worth an email to Abbas if you cant establish this yourself.
Definitely if your DAC shipped with an S1 chip that is great news and its looking in really good shape for its age so you could always just put that lid back on and enjoy the music!!
Because of work and family, I only used my system sporadically. The tubes probably still have a lot of life left. I will consult Abbas when I'm in the market for tubes. Thanks.
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Hi to all Abbas Esoteric-Audio-Fan's out there,

today I received some surprise from Abbas and I really like it and happy to see his business moves forward!

... DAC manual, with precise information how to bias each of the tube stages:

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P.S.: my Hermes Signature 6080 is a masterpiece and as I'm a bit crazy with DAC's I can honestly say: it plays in a much, much higher league and can challenge some contenders. On my CD-Transport: uff, unbeatable.. on my Streamer: great, but can't beat Grimm Audio MU2 DSD and Hi-Res playback (not supported by Abbas aka Vintage DAC-CHIP) ;)
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Hi to all Abbas Esoteric-Audio-Fan's out there,

today I received some surprise from Abbas and I really like it and happy to see his business moves forward!

... DAC manual, with precise information how to bias each of the tube stages:

View attachment 146876View attachment 146871 View attachment 146872 View attachment 146873View attachment 146874 View attachment 146875

P.S.: my Hermes Signature 6080 is a masterpiece and as I'm a bit crazy with DAC's I can honestly say: it plays in a much, much higher league and can challenge some contenders. On my CD-Transport: uff, unbeatable.. on my Streamer: great, but can't beat Grimm Audio MU2 DSD and Hi-Res playback (not supported by Abbas aka Vintage DAC-CHIP) ;)
Wonderful to hear Gerihifi!

Great news about your PCM63 Hermes Signature TOTL dac!

We can't wait to hear our TDA1541 Psyche Signature TOTL equivalent! I think at this level they are all wonderful music making machines and it just depends on flavour.

Have you done any tube rolling yet? We have found changing tubes makes huge differences to the sound.

Wonderful to hear Gerihifi!

Great news about your PCM63 Hermes Signature TOTL dac!

We can't wait to hear our TDA1541 Psyche Signature TOTL equivalent! I think at this level they are all wonderful music making machines and it just depends on flavour.

Have you done any tube rolling yet? We have found changing tubes makes huge differences to the sound.


no tube-rolling so far for me, because already used my high-grade ones - very happy with them. Would also be carefully, because a lot of tube stages which need to harmonize, therefore I'm not too crazy and always use the NOS-tubes which have good measurements (proud owner of my Roetest

As I also opt-in for XLR outputs, I can say: not worthwhile, as RCA way better with the Abbas regular copper Chinch cables (I've used €3k Audiomica XLR, fair comparison ;-).

Just did last night some in-depth comparison again with:
- Lumin U1 (Roon/Qobuz) + Abbas Hermes Sig (via RCA)
- Lumin U1 (Roon/Qobuz) + Abbas 3.2SE (via RCA)
- Grimm MU2 (Roon/Qobuz) (via XLR)
- Holo May KTE + Lumin U1 (Roon/Qobuz) (via XLR)

Pre-Amp: Soulution 725

- 3.2 (TDA1541a) & Hermes (PCM63k-j) have slightly different tonality, but not too far away
- Still prefer Hermes, as for me the BurrBrown have some unique magic I love
- Is Abbas for me better than Lampizator, SW1X and Audio Note (owned serious contenders)? YES, because if you want to reach this tonality, you pay minimum 3 times more! Of course, we all now it most matters how the rest of your hifi-chain is setup'ed!
- Holo May KTE: best when using via USB to Streamer, but as it is a "traditional" R2R, can be too warm & blurry tonality (great for clinical-kind of speakers or active-ones aka Class-D)
- Grimm MU2, now owning it over 1y: anyone looking for his "end-game" streamer/roon-core/DAC, this is it. It combines the perfect worlds of analog (aka R2R/tube-based) and digital (Delta Sigma/FPGA-hybrid) sound signature in PERFECTION. Anyone spending that much, forget anything beyond €20k, sorry makes for me no sense anymore (yes, I'd test contenders in range up to €40k) - MY OPINION :cool:

Next tests in 2 weeks, when I exchange in my 2nd setup the speakers with full-range Cube Audio Lotus TQWT ;) and getting finally my Pachanko Labs Streamer with Diretta Bridge. There I'll have brutal transparency and it maybe more obvious, will see.

WHY I'm all telling this in this Abbas-Thread? show I'm not purely biased with Abbas gear and did serious DAC/streamer testing the last 6y, as many of you. Also, using 2 complete different hifi setups (low-efficiency speaker + transistor vs. high-efficiency + tube gear). Therefore, having my personal, strong opinion on it :D

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