Abbas phono

in reply to Artnet on the DAC page, here is something about a phono stage, due soon:
The Hephaestus RIAA will land I hope by the end of the year. Of course the war restrains progress, unsurprisingly. I will post findings.
I will wait for the RIAA to land before I experiment with EML regulation. I note you write -- concerning the EML mesh plate? -- "there is more body, air and separation in the music, but possibly dryer also". I found something similar with an EML AZ4 mesh vs period valve in my SET, the difference of impact, scale and clarity was remarkable. Out of respect for Abbas's design and judgement, I may resist EML regulation in favour of what he fits into the RIAA, or at least stick with 50's / 60's valves for richness of tone. My present relatively new RIAA --shoe box type case-- is with "GD rewound transformer" and Mullard EL84, EF 86 and EZ81. It sounds rich, full, and perfect ! I am guessing Hephaestus --full size case-- will render greater scale, yet retain character of tone.

I cant find much info on the new Hephaestus phonostage. Other than its full size. Do you have more that you can share?

Is it a full preamp with multiple inputs and volume control? Pictures?
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