been there, done that. at one point (2011) I owned 7 tape decks. in addition to the one's in that picture, at that point I owned a pristine Technics RS-1500, a really fine Nagra IV-S, and an Ampex 351. prior I had sold my de'Paravincini modified Technics RS-1700. so I learned that in some things variety is just that.....variety. I want to have the best tape decks......and I think that the A-820 fits that view for me. YMMV.
i did own a nice reconditioned ATR-102 1/4" deck before i got my first A-820. owned it from 2007 to 2014. if i would not have got the A-820, i would have certainly owned an A80. to my thinking; the holy trinity of tape decks is the A-820, A80, and ATR-102. and likely the most logical one to own and the one that can be kept the most optimal is the ATR-102. but the sexiest is the A-820. the best sounding naturally is the A80. but with the tranformerless output cards (my three all have these cards) i like the A-820 best.
with custom output circuits i think all three are great, but i prefer the A-820 myself, the other two are in the same league.
the best sounding RTR i have heard is my friend Andrew's ATR-102 with very tweaked MR70 output electronics. a close second is another ATR-102 of Andrews with tweaked (ATR Services) Aria output electronics. Andrew is now doing his own calibration tapes that are superior to the MRL tapes.
yes; when we go down that road, 'also', some older Studer's and Ampex units with tubed outputs are all 'interesting'. but they need some updating and tweaking to compete with more modern decks in performance. so become 'one-offs'.
Like my tape expert Dr burkhardt schwabe says
" They all dont sound that much different " and he has had / worked on just about any R2R in existence .
Nothing wrong with stockcards , still beats digital hands down .
My last show visit when i heard the full taiko set up made it very clear .
Its not even a comparison with good tapes
again agree
have a Telefunken M15 here that sounds very rich and charming as opposed to my MTSL modded A80RCs that are more "correct" and to the truth.....
also have an A810 MTSL modded with the LME49720 Opamp upgrade which is a huge improvement...just shipped shipped a set to Audiophile Bill for the A812 he bought from me and MTSL upgraded.....A820 can be upgraded in same manner....
I l be honest with you , i could potentially slightly improve in the treble and mids ( next design ) and off course system size bigger speakers bigger room more $$$.
X over circuit wise this 4 way system has some clear advantages i cant improve upon , i cant make things simpler
But over the last 5 years i was never tempted to switch anything of my system over anything else i have heard , i m officially retired
. he wants to deal with pro audio guys but they have no money, he wants our money but does not have the patience/temperament for us. a sad case. I hope he finds what he is looking for.
Audiophile are a unique lot. But I have not run into many that are difficult. Most I find open to what I present. I actually butt heads with the electricians more. There is another guy who does what I do. He told me he mostly does studios now and avoids audiophile.
Plus audio is not a race with a "finish line " .
I design what i like , i dont design what somebody else likes .
If i liked horns or electrostats i would try to design such
Since this is a hobby, it has many faces. There is nothing wrong with admiring the beauty of a particular machine... although to me that would not be the A820 - I myself prefer the Ampex 350. As already stated here, the sound of the A820 leaves plenty to be desired, and most importantly, those fundamental problems can't be fixed by simply replacing a few parts... and you would have to start with its tape heads. One has to pay dearly for all those features. So in that regard a well oiled 350, connected to a good tape preamp will beat it any day.
Among the more modern machines in stock form the ATR-102 will beat the rest both in sound and its raw sex appeal, I think. The Studer is very smooth in its operation, so indeed, it makes a nice transport - with a different head, as mentioned above.
Wow, never heard the last comment before! I've had my two ATR-102's for five years (both bought at separate times in 2016). Never thought they had raw sex appeal. I'll have to look at them in a different light (or with a different light - maybe uv or infrared?) Can't disagree with the sonic qualities, particularly their recording abilities. I use an external tape preamp for playback (Merrill Trident). The Studers are my idea of eye candy however.