The madness continues...
I doubled the basotect foam and tried to place them around the first reflection points of the ceiling - hard to do my myself...
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If I decided to go for such a system I am going to have to think hard about a fast and simple way to install and remove panels without having to climb on a ladder each time... Seems tricky.
I also put basotect foam on the floor at the first reflection points.
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This is obviously calculated to work only at my listening position. Why not ?
It is too late at night to take measurements. Listening impressions are very good, but I could be tricked by a number of things:
- expectation bias
- a quieter listening environment late at night (I listened an hour earlier without all this)
- my speakers seem to always like 15-30 minutes to play optimally...
I will leave these in place (on the ceiling) this week then take them off (after some measurements) and see if I get the same listening impressions after.
I am not an expert with REW measurements. I don't think variations of RT6O is what I am looking for. What is the best way, if any, to capture changes in early reflections - ETC? I would be greatful for any pointers.