someone replied that if you decide to buy a product built in another continent or in another country, you must be ready to deal with the consequences of any complicated repairs. I disagree on this point for two very important reasons. the first is that such an attitude would lead to an absolute constructive autarky, since making assistance intervention complicated would in the long run lead to forcing each of us to buy only products created in the place where we live and would make the market even more asphyxiated of what it is today. the second reason, a consequence of my first thought, is that all this would discourage the producers themselves from investing in research because to amortize the costs they could only focus on their own domestic market. bearing in mind that this market and this passion is not supported only by the hi-end scrooges but that it is supported above all by a certain medium who makes sacrifices and saves to be able to buy the products of their dreams, I see no reason to complicate life for us end users. just to give an example, I praise the audio research policy (also in consideration of recent news events) which allows me to be able to easily find assistance even for forty-year-old products without breaking the bank in astronomical shipping costs. Another consideration that I allow myself to make is that if all of us or at least most of the enthusiasts were forced to choose products built only within our nation or at most in neighboring countries, not even a forum as special as this one unites enthusiasts from all over the globe, it would have reason to exist, because it would make no sense to exchange opinions on products that no one would buy if built in other continents. In your opinion, living in Europe, it would make sense to read posts just to give the example of aesthetix products whose cost of any assistance would be equal to or close to the purchase cost, obviously very few would buy there. I specify that this is only my opinion and that I absolutely respect the thoughts of others that can only enrich me and open my mind to new ideas and new thoughts. I am and will always be open to changing my thinking in the face of convincing arguments. I start from the assumption that anyone can teach me something since each of us is rich in their own unique and personal experiences that can always be transferred to me