Joachim Gerhard Lautsprecher has been building, designing and living for over 50 years. Suesskind Audio offers you handmade High End loudspeakers in many forms.
Thank you. I eventually got the parts and George Meyer AV in Los Angeles was able to make the repairs. Currently having the same problem with Gold Note getting a replacement USB input board for my Dac. According to Morris with George Meyer more manufacturers then ever are not providing replacement parts.
Thank you. I eventually got the parts and George Meyer AV in Los Angeles was able to make the repairs. Currently having the same problem with Gold Note getting a replacement USB input board for my Dac. According to Morris with George Meyer more manufacturers then ever are not providing replacement parts.
Good morning, it's nice to find this type of response, I don't know if you are part of the brand in question Audio Physic but in any case all this is commendable. Living in the world of dreams is something well known to us enthusiasts, who, when we sit in front of our system, often unconditionally accept a pact of suspension of disbelief, immersing ourselves with open eyes and imagining having in front of us Our favorite orchestras and authors are close to our ears. At the end of a piece or a work we are all intoxicated and with smiles on our faces, still anxious to drop that beloved diamond onto the next groove. When I find someone willing to revive that dream and help us get the engine of those little big desires back on track, I'm almost moved and I can't be anything but grateful towards him. In the same way, I would be happy if that great genius Jim White took the trouble, cuddling one of his former supporters, to show me how wrong there is in having abandoned the sweet embrace of my signature self to go and land in the port of Allnic. What can you do about it is the writing of those who hope for a perfect world. The dreamer.
Buongiorno è bello trovare questo tipo di risposta, io non so se lei faccia parte del marchio in questione Audio Physic ma comunque tutto ciò è lodevole. Vivere nel mondo dei sogni è cosa ben nota a noi appassionati, i quali, al momento in cui ci sediamo davanti al nostro impianto, spesso, accettiamo incondizionatamente un patto di sospensione dell’incredulità, immergendoci ad occhi aperti ed immaginando di avere davanti ai nostri occhi è vicino alle nostre orecchie le orchestre e gli autori preferiti. Alla fine di un brano o di un’opera siamo tutti ebbri e con il sorriso stampato sui nostri volti, ancora ansiosi di far calare quell’amato diamante sul solco successivo. Quando trovo qualcuno disposto a rinverdire quel sogno e ad aiutarci a rimettere a posto il motore di quei piccoli grandi desideri, quasi quasi mi commuovo e non posso essere altro che grato nei suoi confronti. Allo stesso modo sarei felice se quel gran genio di Jim White si prendesse la briga, coccolando uno dei suoi ex sostenitori, per dimostrarmi quanto ci sia di sbagliato nel l’aver abbandonato il dolce abbraccio del mio Io signature per andare ad approdare nel porto di Allnic. Che ci volete fare é lo scritto di chi spera in un mondo perfetto. Il sognatore
Thanks, I had a look at the post. in Italy we have a saying that reads: “between saying and doing we are in the middle of the sea” …….. let's hope that to divide the waters and create a road between saying and doing we don't need divine intervention. Thanks again your report has given me new ideas
Joachim Gerhard Lautsprecher has been building, designing and living for over 50 years. Suesskind Audio offers you handmade High End loudspeakers in many forms.
Nice to see he is still making speakers. I owned AP Avanti Centuries back in the heydey of the Virgo. Gerhard's speaker's reputation for an amazing soundstage is well deserved.
Nice to see he is still making speakers. I owned AP Avanti Centuries back in the heydey of the Virgo. Gerhard's speaker's reputation for an amazing soundstage is well deserved.
and he hasn't forgotten how to do it. For me, some models are among the best on the market. If you have the chance, listen to the Beo or Ara speakers.
Sorry for offtopic