All of these posts really make me want to hear the new MSL Platinum Signature. Some of my golden eared a'phile friends, who have heard this cartridge, claim it is far better sounding than the Opus 1!!!
All of these posts really make me want to hear the new MSL Platinum Signature. Some of my golden eared a'phile friends, who have heard this cartridge, claim it is far better sounding than the Opus 1!!!
All of these posts really make me want to hear the new MSL Platinum Signature. Some of my golden eared a'phile friends, who have heard this cartridge, claim it is far better sounding than the Opus 1!!!
I prefer my MSL Signature Gold to my AirTight Supreme. The Opus 1 uses some of the features of the MSL Sig Gold like the cantilever material and I think the impedance and output is the same. I'd have to look at the specs again. The Supreme was designed first, then the MSL Sig gold was developed followed by the Opus 1, so they may have used some of the ideas first developed in the MSL Sig Gold.
How do you friends describe the differences between the Opus and the Plat. Signature?
In Italy only i have Opus 1,and no one bought Platinum,distributors told me.
I will push Tango that is buying all the best cartridges to buy it and do test for us
If the Italian Don of Highend pushes me, how could I resist. With ddk’s tt I have so many arms left after all..hahaha
My radar is still on the ZYX. But now I am leaning toward not so low output cart. I think they are more easily match with my phonos.
I like my Koetsu because sound more natural than Atlas sl and GFS,that are very transparent,dynamic and GFS is explosive,but in my system are little light on mid bass and i listen a very little electric sound while Koetsu seems more natural with mid,voices and chamber music very impressive
Opus 1 has same natural sound like Koetsu,with controlled and very deep bass,high more open and near same Atlas,with very wide and deep scene
and sound very well with everything,from chamber music,jazz to Kraftwerk
And dynamic cover all the range,while GFS and Atlas seems more dynamic in mid high
Tang that write in English much better than me can explain better
This in my system,could be other system has different result
Consensus seems to be that the MSL is more resolving and rides quieter in the groove. I'm not certain how this could be accomplished...
Hi Ked,Tang can also buy a mc trans to use with ZYX instead to buy CH
Obviously, Gian and I are not twins, but what he said is nothing short of what I think on these carts. We both have almost similar carts and pretty much hear the same characteristics. I said a few times that my Kronos/SAT/Opus with good jazz vocal records sound close to or sometime better than tape. Most people probably say that is bullshit. But I hear what I hear. This is why I want to improve the sound from my Studer. I think tape should sound better than tt in bigger margin than this.
To answer Ron’s question. Yes, I prefer the Opus to Coralstone.
Hi Gian!
This is the best cartridge I've ever heard, bar none! I've compared it to the A95 (no comparison) and the top of the line ZYX (again, not even close). Oh, comparisons were done on the Kronos Pro with the Black Beauty tonearm...
It does the "smooth" thing like the ZYX, while still being extremely "alive" and dynamic like the A95.
Dear Alex,
Since this post almost a year ago do you have any additional observations comparing the Air Tight Opus to the ZYX UNIverse Premium?
where you put AS 2000?